Stefanie Arroyo

Consultant — Biz Typologist

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Mean girls Finnish last

A few years ago, I received a Facebook message that sent me into a blind murderous rage. (And, since you’re here: it still does in a way.) 

It was a message from an old middle-school classmate—she, after spending the last dozen years or so in Finland building a successful pop career, was now back stateside to bring her music to the US… and wanted to meet for coffee.

And I was pissed.


Because, the last time we saw each other (the 6th grade) she and her gang of blithering sycophants were tittering to themselves while watching me open the “anonymous” letter slipped in my desk, detailing all the reasons why I’d never be as cool and rich as them, and all the reasons why I’ll always be lame and poor.

(Had I known then what I know now from marketing, I would have used their trolling for gain, but that’s an email for another day.)

So naturally, finding out the ringleader of them all became a Finnish pop star was downright infuriating. As far as I was concerned, the Scandinavian community robbed me of the opportunity to one day watch her bag my groceries or wipe the dog shyt off my shoes.

Now, years later, I realize I should have met up with her—if anything, to say thank you. 

All that anger bottled up in child-Stefania later fermented and was distilled into an indomitable drive to be successful.  

For many, this is a bad thing—the whole mindset coaching community is predicated on “negative” emotions being “limiting.” Or that, by not being “high vibe” and “sending love and light” to her, I am preventing my soul’s purpose from ringing me on the cosmic telephone. 

To paraphrase my mentor (and slave-driver) Ben Settle, positive emotions can keep you broke. And negative emotions can make you rich—but only if you harness it properly.

Which is one of the things Ben Settle talks about in his 30-minute presentation, 7 Not-So Secret Email Secrets That’ll Horrify and Delight People into Buying Whatever You Sell—that, by understanding people’s primal emotions (be it anger or fear) and harnessing them in your content or email, you can be a helluva lot more profitable than just “giving value.” 

Granted, these lessons (or secrets) are not for everyone. 

In fact, when he first presented these secrets (at AWAI’s Copywriter’s Bootcamp), someone angrily walked out.

And it wasn’t even the full, most villainous version of his talk—that he reserved for the haplessly captive audience at Brian Kurtz’ Titans Master Class last week.

A talk I was lucky enough to livestream into my members-only community, Biz Typology, to the delight of my subscribers as they were privy to teachings that would normally cost them upwards of $11,500 to access (thus saving them $11,490).

Considering the value of Ben Settle’s presentation…the cost to normally Titans Master Class…and the kindness of Brian Kurtz to allow my subscribers to essentially scoop his high-ticket event for less than his Netflix subscription…this livestream won’t be up for long. 

At midnight on Halloween (Wednesday, October 31st), I will be taking the livestream down and it will *never* been seen again anywhere on my membership site, Biz Typology, or in the Facebook group.

Until then, to access Ben Settle’s 30-minute email secrets presentation…along with hours upon hours of other trainings relating to marketing and copywriting and other such goodies available to Biz Typology subscribers on the regular… go here before the Wednesday deadline:

Stefanie Arroyo

Waxing off your Hairy Vee

Over the past week, an article detailing all the hairy bits of a recent Gary Vee event has been making its rounds on the internet.

Written by former woopreneur turned MLM gouroux Leonie Dawson, she reviewed “the horror pitchfest” that was supposed to be a Vee-led conference and ended up being one NLP-laced sales pitch after another by wannaVees, shilling their wares. 

Gary did end up making an appearance (at the end, for about 20 minutes), only to leave a few Category-Vee gems like: 

“I am 100% about empathy. That’s what I am really teaching everyone here” and “just remember, everyone go home and PUNCH YOUR MOTHER IN THE MOUTH.”

Having escaped writing for the coaching community only not that long ago, I’ve known of Leonie for some time. So I was not surprised that someone who is best known for her coaching program, Shining Biz and Life Academy, or “how to become the Ultimate Hippy Creative Spiritual Business Goddess” (direct quote) would not be happy with advice that meant assaulting a parent. 

Which then reminded me of when I was similarly Veeboozled into attending a Daymond John event almost three years ago (by a life coaching friend no less) that ended up being an MLM meeting in a Holiday Inn conference center in the middle of New Jersey.  Daymond John was there, all right… on the projector screen for about five minutes.

Which leads me to my point: 

There are a lot of players at the Gouroux Casino, where people wilfully fling hrow away their time and money (and God knows what else) on the table in hopes of “making it.” 

But, there are certain things, places, and events that, no matter how large or small of an investment, you make out like Scrooge McDuck with your own pool full of gold coins.

One of these things includes Brian Kurtz’ Titans Master Class which I was honored to attend as a guest this past weekend. 

Where wannaVees have to resort to grabbing you by the short-and-curlies with NLP and sleaze sales tactics, Brian provides actual, true value by featuring high-caliber guest speakers like Perry Marshall and Ben Settle and live-action hot seats with the likes of Jay Abraham. 

It would not be any exaggeration that the wealth of knowledge and experience in that room was well worth into the tens of millions of dollars if not more.  

But, like most things, you have to pay to play: to attend Master Class, it would cost you upwards of $11,500. 

Which is why when Brian graciously allowed me to livestream Ben Settle’s 30-minute talk on some of his most prized (and most profitable) email secrets for members of my membership site Biz Typology, I was ecstatic.

By doing that, he provided tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of information… for less than this month’s Netflix subscription. 

The video—recorded haphazardly on my phone, mind you—is still available in the Biz Typology members-only Facebook community, but only for a limited time. 

In it, Ben Settle—who, as you’ll see, Brian called the Jim Rutz of email—goes over the 7 deadly email secrets that your list (and your bank account) would love. 

Information that normally would be available only at a 5-figure premium… available now for roughly 33 cents a day.

But, like Ben’s time on Facebook, it will come to an end: after midnight on Halloween (or Weds. Oct 31st, if trick-or-treating isn’t a thing where you are), I will be taking the video down, for good. 

To get near instant-presto access to the 30-minute talk—along with dozens of other videos about  marketing and copywriting available in the membership portal and Facebook community—go here before the Wednesday deadline:

Stefanie Arroyo 

The $11,500 lesson from an email ghoul

At one of the most sought-after marketing events— the Titans Masterclass — Ben Settle gave a talk on the 7 critical email secrets that have made him and his clients and his subscribers millions upon millions of buckaroons. 

A talk I had the honor and privilege of livestreaming for my paid membership community, Biz Typology. 

If not an invited speaker or guest, the cost to attend Titans starts at $11,500. (If you don’t believe me, you can ask the head Titan Brian Kurtz yourself.)

However, out of Brian’s kindness, Biz Typology members are able to watch it for less than the cost of this month’s Netflix subscription. 

The video is still available in the BT Facebook group but, considering the rarity and the value of something like this, I can only keep up for so long—in fact, it will only until this Wednesday, Oct. 31st where, at midnight, it will go boo into the night.

Now, a few caveats: 

This is not a professionally shot video. As it was a Facebook livestream—and a last-minute privilege given by Brian—I shot it on my phone. (And, yes, in portrait-mode — I do make videos, but I’m by no means a videographer.)

Also, this is not the best angle—I had the choice of either showing the slideshow or the speaker, but not both. So, I had to take some creative license.

I say this because, if you want something snazzy with animation and a highlight reel, this isn’t for you. 

(If you want a professionally-shot video of his talk among others, including Perry Marshal and Jay Abraham, I highly suggest joining Titans at either the $11,500 — or, better yet, the $20,000 rate.)

But, if you want a 30-minute presentation on 7 not-so-nice (but oh-so-profitable) from the villainous email (m)ad-man himself, Ben Settle, then you best get yourself into the Biz Typology members-only group before the gruesome Halloween deadline.

To join and get instant-presto access to the talk, as Ben Settle would say, go forth ye here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Why I’m the annoying one at the dinner table

“Just so you know… my family is a little weird.”

This is what I tell my friends or partners when they come over to visit my mom (after I explain she’s a Disney villain, of course).

I usually let the rest of the evening do the explaining for me but, until you come over, I’ll just tell you:

There’s no talking at the dinner table.

I don’t mean we speak only in hushed tones or that it’s not allowed or anything like that. I mean, literally no words are uttered while dinner is served.

They sit down, they dig in. But not before the cone of silence descends upon the table.

Anyone not in our family, or unaware of their weird ways, takes it as a personal slight. And later, they’d inevitably would say, “I don’t think your mom likes me very much.”

And, I can’t blame them:  *I* took it personally for years. When I’d yammer on and on at the table, talking about my day, I’d be met by stone-cold silence. If they’re feeling especially social, I’d get maybe a head-nod. Maybe.

Needless to say, it drove me crazy growing up. But, now I know better.

Because that’s just the way they are: they actually LIKE to eat in silence.

And, they’re not the only ones. When I relayed this to my INTJ, his face lit up like a heart-eyed emoji:

“My GOD, that sounds like heaven.”

(He later admitted that my mom, in her fellow INTJ-villainous ways, is his personal hero, but that’s for another email.)

With this information, I know how to communicate with him (and all the other INTJs in my life, as I’m surrounded on all sides). And, more importantly, how not to. 

I talk about this in my membership site, Biz Typology. But, this Friday, I’ll be going over how to apply this knowledge (how to—and not to—communicate with certain types, and make sure you’re heard) specifically in copywriting. 

Because, instead of eyes glazing over or a phone emerging out of a pocket and onto a dinner table, if you don’t communicate your thoughts and ideas (or, in this case, your product and offerings) your prospect could simply scroll away. 

And nobody wants that, no matter what type you are.

My Biz Typology copywriting training is happening LIVE this Friday, October 5th, at 12 pm PST. And, for a limited time only, I am offering this two-hour training to registrants of the live class a substantial discount—a full $100 off the price it’ll be sold as its own info product in the future. 

This discount however is available only to those who are registered for the live training—after the training’s over, the deal’s over as well. 

(If you can’t make the live call, have no fear—registering now will secure your forever-access to the audio and video recordings, and the transcript.) 

To lock in your spot in the live class (as well as your copy of the replay), go here before the deadline this Friday:

Stefanie Arroyo

Fraudy cats

Not long ago, I received a message from someone who, after watching my opt-in, decided to come up with his own “introvert” training. After it went nowhere, he was reaching out to me for help.

I’ll admit: at first, I was furious.

Or, as my INTJ puts it: filled with table-flipping Latina rage. 

Thing is, this isn’t new. 

Over the past year or so, there has been a rise in discussion about personality typing in marketing.

You could say it’s the red car effect (as in, if you think about red cars, you start seeing them all over the freeway), but I’ve had readers, subscribers, and even randoms point this out:

Whether it’s people on Facebook fishing for engagement by asking about types…the bane of my existence (Human Design) growing in popularity in the life coaching/witchpreneur niche…viral Thought Catalog articles about what MBTI types are most likely to order at McDonald…and the most recent Myers Briggs Bingo which I talked about earlier this week…

Personality typing, and teaching it, is becoming A Thing.

But, to paraphrase Spiderman’s Uncle: 

With great fraudulence comes even greater irresponsibility.  

A lot of these people are, at best, hopping on this newest bandwagon in their Facebook feed looking for a buck, some engagement, relevance, or all three.

At worst, they’re borderline frauds—trying to teach it with no real deep knowledge of the subject, other than regurgitating what someone else says about it. 

In this case, it was something I said (and have been saying for a long time) but, this happens in other arenas as well. 

(Most notably in Facebook ad strategy: there are those who were well-trained making magic out of the Facebook algorithm there are more who, after taking a $2k course and suddenly they’re masters of the trade.)

I’ll never say I’ve invented the personality typing wheel. It’s been in existence for nearly a century and has been used as a critical cog in the corporate and governmental machines of thousands of companies, including most of the Fortune 100.

But, what I can show you that is unique, is how to apply this to your business, sales and marketing. 

And, tomorrow at 3 pm EST, I’ll show you specifically how to apply it to copywriting, whether you’re a freelancer writer-for-hire or looking to improve your own copy chops. 

In the two-hour live training, I will be going over how to effectively “type” your market (no Buzzfeed article or free Internet quiz needed) and, using by knowing the secret ingredients to how your buyers make their buying—and rejecting—decisions, how to write copy that deliberately ticks their boxes so they click to buy.

This training is happening tomorrow, Oct. 5th, at 12 pm PST/3 pm EST with a live Q&A following immediately after. 

(If you can’t make it, have no fear—all registrants will receive the audio and video replays along with the transcript.) 

And, since this training is new (so new, there’s no sales page), I am offering it at a significant discount—$100 off its regular pricing. 

But, this discount (and live access) will only last until the time of the training, which is in less than 24 hours. 

To reserve your seat at the training… and access to the replay and your $100 discount, go here before the 24-hour deadline here:

Stefanie Arroyo 

How I trumped Canada

Reader Beth G. writes: 

“I’m finally REALLY watching the masterclass. Holy shizballs.
Seriously more valuable than the Toronto event. Brain exploding.”

By “the Toronto event,” she’s referring to a $6,000, two-day mastermind held a couple years ago at the swankiest hotel in TO by two “famous” 7-figure business coaches. 

And, by “the masterclass,” she’s talking about a little two-hour masterclass shot by myself on QuickTime in the middle of the night—that was apparently more valuable, more worthwhile, and more brain-exploding than two coaches with bigger lists and incomes than I did.

Now that I’ve graduated to (only slightly) higher tech—Zoom and better lighting—I’m giving my next training in a little over 8 hours. 

This time, I’m going to be talking about how to use personality typing—otherwise known as the psychological tools used by 70% of the Fortune 100 along with hundreds of universities and US government agencies—when writing sales copy. 

Specifically, we’ll be going over how to effectively “type” your market and, by understanding the mechanics behind their buying motivations, their decision-making, and their deepest pains and needs, how to write copy that draws them in like gnats to a glass of wine outdoors. 

You’ll also learn: 

– The “secret” method that major brands like Coca-Cola and Estee Lauder use to successfully multi-million dollar campaigns (that will only take you an hour, and cost you $6, tops)

– The stupid-simple but deadly-effective way to attract the clients, customers and buyers you *want* to buy from you (and how to repel the time-wasters and tire-kickers—for good)

– What almost everyone gets wrong about bullets and headlines (that, if you master, will make bullet-writing faster… and put you above 99% of marketers out there)

– And the answer to the billion-dollar question: Is there a way to write copy that speaks to all types? Short answer: YES, there is and I’ll show how inside. 

– And more. 

Since this is a brand new training, I am offering it at a substantial discount of $100 off— nearly 60% of regular pricing.

(Or, a mere 3% of a $6,000 investment in major “guru” coaches, not including flights.)

The catch?

The deadline is TODAY at 12pm PST. After the clock hits noon, the cost of this training will jump up $100 more, as a procrastination tax.

(And if you want to spend 2000% more on a two-day, brain-explosionless mastermind…well, go right ahead.)

To reserve your seat for today’s training (and access to the recordings and transcript if you can’t make it live) along with your $100 discount, get it while the getting’s good here by the deadline today:

Stefanie Arroyo

Stefania Arr-ROI

Reader and primetime client Latisha S. writes: 

Working with Stefanie was exactly what I needed. Not only did she help me write a full sales page for my membership offer, but she also explained her thought process as we crafted the letter together. Now, I find writing sales copy to be much easier and fun as I think back to our conversations.
I appreciate how she showed me how to write bullets that tease instead of tell. 
A few weeks after that coaching session, I launched a limited group coaching offer, writing my own bullets and the offer quickly sold out. 
When I asked one client why she bought, she mentioned that she wanted to learn how to get her own clients rushing to pay the same way I compelled her to buy.

My sessions with Stefanie were invaluable and have already paid for themselves many times over. I’m so glad I made the decision to work with her.

The Biz Typology copywriting training is happening live TODAY—in less than three hours, in fact. 

In this two-hour live training, I am going over how to effectively “type” your market—or the roadmap to their synapses and what triggers their buying decisions. And, knowing this blueprint, how to write copy that gets them to click to buy, hook, line, and Thinker.

And, until today at noon PST, I am offering this training at a substantial discount of $100 off—a full 60% off of the regular pricing, including audio/video recordings, and a transcript for keepers. 

But, this offer will only be good until today and today only.

To secure your seat and your $100 off (and the recordings, especially if you can’t make it), go here before the deadline that lapses in mere hours:

Stefanie Arroyo

Diary of a mad Australian woman

When I first started this business, it took me about a week to find my first client. And, only a week after that, I fired her.

Since I had burned my paralegal boat a little earlier than expected (and my other business, admissions consulting, was in its “off-season”), I was desperate—I needed clients and I needed them fast. So I did what most in dire entrepreneurial straits do:

I started knocking on doors a discount on my already way-too-lowball offer. And, in a matter of days, I got myself my first copywriting client.  

And, as luck would have it, she was a nightmare. 

Since I priced myself so low (like,  1/3-of-the-low-end-of-the-industry-norm low), she naturally needed A LOT of copy done. And, of course, a lot of handholding: she was *constantly* emailing me. My inbox was a solid block of “From: [Australian crazy lady]” and they were about all sorts of things—from nitpicky corrections to sudden creative epiphanies (requiring me to rewrite pages or even write whole new ones), to random marketing questions and even logo design questions that had nothing to do with what I was hired for.

And, since I needed the money, I was desperate to appease. Which, considering the 12+ hour time difference between us (her in Sydney Australia and me in little ol’ Jersey City, NJ), was more than a little difficult. 

I’m a natural-born night owl but, with her constant emails and my nonstop writing, my sleep schedule went into complete graveyard shift vampire-mode. That is, if I managed to sleep. In a phrase, I was miserable.

Finally, one crazy 3 am email was the straw that broke the marsupial pouch. After changing her coaching program (again) and demanding (yet more) edits, she ended her email with: “Stefanie, are you working on this at 3 am? That is FAR too low-vibe for this to work—I need someone who is ON.”

Followed with: “When can I expect this by?”

Reading that last line, I heard the record scratch and the screeching brakes in my mind, as I anger-typed a terse “no, I’m breaking up with YOU” reply, and I (finally) went to bed.

I’ll be the first to admit that you can’t type crazy. But, personality typing can certainly help you avoid it—by knowing exactly what kind of person you’re dealing with and, more importantly, what *you’re* willing (or even able) to put up with.

This whole thing could have been narrowly avoided had I asked just a few simple questions that let you know what kind of person you’re dealing with before you hire them (or get hired by them). And even more so if I had included certain verbiage in my copy that would better attract an ideal client—and repel the nightmare ones from Oz and elsewhere.

And that is exactly what my upcoming Biz Typology training will be covering: how to effectively “type” your market and, using this secret code into their motivations and buying decisions, write copy that attracts them—and only them. 

The same typing tools, mind you, used by 80% of Fortune 100 in all matters of their operation, from their marketing as well as hiring and firing decisions—so it’s almost like I know what I’m talking about. 

Now, I won’t claim (like some people) that I invented copywriting. However,  in this training, I can teach you how to use powerful psychological tools like personality typing in your copywriting so to better attract the leads you want—and dispel the rest—whether you are a freelance writer-for-hire (like I was) or are just looking to improve your own copywriting skills for your own offer. 

This two-hour training is happening live in a little over 24 hours—tomorrow, Oct. 5th, at 12 pm PST—with a live Q&A immediately following where you can ask all your burning itchy questions about Biz Typology and copywriting. 

(If you can’t make the live call, be not afraid—all registrants will have get the downloadable replay and transcript about 48 hours after the call. If you have questions, simply email them to me before the training and I’ll be sure to address them on the call.) 

Since this is a new (and live)training, I am offering this for a one-time discount of $100—almost 60% off of the training’s pricing in the future. 

(Oh, this training is being recorded to be used as an info product later on that will cost in the neighborhood of $296—or maybe more. This is also why there isn’t a sales page yet.) 

But, this discount—and access to live Q&A—goes bye-bye at noon PST tomorrow when the training begins.

To secure your seat, your access to the downloadable replays and transcript, and your $100 discount, go here before the whistle blows at noon Pacific tomorrow:

Stefanie Arroyo

The Dark Side of the Farce

The other day, I was in my office editing some videos when I saw something move in the corner of my eye. 

After the whole Talib-Kweli-calling-me-a-Nazi hullabaloo from two weeks ago (if you’re just tuning in, it’s exactly what it sounds like: according to a has-been rapper, Ben Settle and I are part of a white supremacist Nazi MLM) I was reminded of an email I got a little over a year ago, that is still one of my favorites to date:

Hi Stephanie,

I just unsubscribed from your list.

Nothing personal, but after carefully listening your 10 min video, and read in detail your last 4 emails, I did not get any interesting ideas that could lead me to think “hey, I was doing something wrong, but she might help me” or “I did not see things like that, that challenge common wisdom”.

At that point, if I’m convinced by your core idea (sell differently to different personalities), I still don’t see how this could be practicly [sic] leveraged in a real-world sale.

I don’t know if Ben Settle oversold your service/product/project, or if I’m just not a good fit for you.

Anyway, I wish you success, because you seem to be someone nice 🙂

[name redacted]

PS : According to 16personalities, I’m ENTJ-A. I know it’s not a very reliable test, but it might give you some clues.

PS2 : You don’t need to answer, but if you have questions, I’ll be glad to help.

PS3 : If you want an opinion from a potential customer to a new copy, feel free to ask. If you can help me land more sales, I’ll happily give you my money 🙂

Misspelling my name aside, I do have to give this guy credit for taking the time to write me such an in-depth reply (especially since, according to him, I have been not in-depth enough—and he wanted me to apply my teachings to his business for him) and also for saving me the trouble of removing him from my email list by doing it himself.

Which leads me to my point: 

It’s just as important to bring the right leads, clients and customers to buy from you, as it is to deter the wrong ones away. 

To borrow (and bastardize) a Dan Kennedy-ism: 

You have to cull the herd. 

And, much to the chagrin of my favorite unsubscriber, it’s much easier to do this when you know which types you want to attract—and repel—through your copy. 

Which is just one of the things covered in the upcoming Biz Typology copywriting training that’s coming up in less than 48 hours. 

In this two-hour LIVE training, we’ll be going over how to type your market and, with the secret cheat codes to their motivations and buying decisions, how to incorporate this into your copywriting to bring in the right—and turn away the wrong—leads, clients, and customers. 

This training is brand-spanking new—new even to Biz Typology subscribers— and, as such, is offered at a substantial discount—a $100 off what it will normally be going for. After the live call, however, it’ll be nicely repackaged up as its own info product—and $100 higher, as a procrastination tax.

To register for the training on 10/5 and secure your $100 discount plus access to all recordings and the transcript (especially if you can’t make the call), go here before the deadline lapses:

Stefanie Arroyo

The real vermin in business

The other day, I was in my office editing some videos when I saw something move in the corner of my eye. 

I turned my head… and made a horrible discovery:

It was a mouse. 

But not just any mouse: the biggest mouse I’d ever seen. 

A monster mouse. My own personal union rat.

To make matters worse, it knew its power: sitting on my rug, staring at me with its beady little eyes, he had me in a Mexican standoff. 

It was his house now. 

After much screaming…and some furniture parkour, because the floor was now cursed forever… and frantically calling my landlord, my mom, and my INTJ (not necessarily in that order)…I calmed down enough to figure out my next steps.

Thing is: for as much as I hated this mouse with every fiber of my being, I didn’t want to kill him. 

Not out of the kindness of my heart, mind you—but because having to dispose of a vermin carcass was only objectively worse than him as a new roommate.

I just wanted him to pack his little carpet bag and leave.

So, to the Internet (while sitting on top of a table) I went. 

And ordered with same-day delivery what appeared to be the very thing that would get rid of him, with minimal gore: a set of fairly expensive, high-tech, ultrasonic pest repellers. 

I didn’t care how it worked. 
I didn’t care how much it cost.

All that mattered to me was that the product spoke to exactly what I needed—the immediate deportation of the mouse terrorist that invaded my home by any means necessary (save for messy capital punishment). 

And, when the ad ticked that box, I then clicked to buy. 

Is there a copy lesson in this?

You betcha. 

And with that, on to the good stuff: 

My training on how to use personality typing in copywriting is happening in less than 48 hours. 

In this live two-hour training, I’ll go over how to effectively “type” your market—or,  know how your market would react when dealing with their own literal or figurative mice—and, knowing this information, how to write copy that gets them to click to buy hook, line, and sinker (and same-day delivery). 

And, until the day of, I am offering this training at a substantial discount (hence the lack of a sales page) of $100 off the regular pricing, including audio/video recordings, and a transcript for keepers. 

But, the discount is only until the training—after the live call, the training recordings will go into the vault and reemerge as its own info product with a sales page (and an extra $100 tacked on as a procrastination tax). 

To grab your seat, plus the recordings (especially if you can’t make the live call) and the $100 off, come on down:

Stefanie Arroyo

Stefanie Arroyo

Nulla sodales est sit amet dignissim feugiat. Donec diam ligula, volutpat eget vestibulum vel, condimentum consectetur mi. Phasellus ornare ullamcorper augue, et tristique elit iaculis non. Maecenas sed enim neque. Nulla sodales est sit amet dignissim feugiat. Donec diam ligula.

psycho-marketing & persuasion expert reveals how to:

“Jailbreak” your market’s brains, by asking one quirky question.

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