About a year ago, I put Grant Cardone in my trolling crosshairs after a Facebook post calling for donations for Hurricane Irma relief (with a photo of him and his wife fleeing Irma’s wake by private jet)—another announcing his 90% off Hurricane Sale on Cardone University “while supplies last.” 

I talked about this in my then-extant Facebook group at length and even emailed about it. 

So why bring it up again now?

Granted (ha), taking shots at GC is like punching a low-hanging peach—from his over-the-top “10x” smarm down to his “limited time only” markdowns that seemingly never end (though his digital product supplies mysteriously do). If you’ve spent any modicum of time on the Internet, as a browser or a marketer, you’d be on to his antics. Or so one would think. 

No bones about it: there exists an entire online industry that deliberately profits from people don’t know any better. 

And it has seemingly gotten even worse with every tattooed schmo at a rooftop pool with a drone declaring themselves a crypto-marketing-funnel-traffic expert. The Internet has done many things—far too many to list here. But, one of these things includes giving lifestyle marketing charlatans the perfect stage.

These people profit from bluster, from fear, and, sometimes, from shame. 

Admittedly, I fell for this during my first forays in business—when I started my first blog in 2010, and again when I found myself in the woopreneneur community writing copy. 

It’s been a long (sometimes smooth, sometimes bumpy, sometimes dirt-ass) road since, but is entirely why I only implement tools and practices that real, measurable results, have stood the tests of time (as in, over a hundred years’ long), and are based on real science, real metrics, and real practice. 

Things like psychology-based personality typing. Direct response copywriting.  And, in my case, using both. 

(And daily email, but that’s an email for another time.)

My no-frills, no-BS, non-bright-shiny-object copywriting training is being held LIVE in about a week—October 5th, at 12pm PST. In this training,  you’ll learn marketing techniques and practices that are used by over 80% of the Fortune 100, 10,000 companies, 2,500 colleges and universities, and 250 government agencies—you know, real stuff that’ll actually 10x your business— and how to apply this specifically to direct response copywriting. So, whether you are a freelancer or just looking to improve your own sales copy game, this may help you actually 10x your sales, no hurricane needed.

After this live training, it will vanish into the vault to reemerge as its own info product (and almost twice as expensive). That’s why there’s no sales page or frills and it is a full $100 off what it will cost later on. 

And, by signing up, you’ll still get access to the recordings (audio and video) and transcript plus access to the live Q&A immediately following the training (where you can ask all the Biz Typology and copywriting)—all for a 100 bones less than everyone else. (And if you can’t make it, you can always email me your questions and I’ll be sure to address on the live call so you don’t miss out.)

To secure your $100 discount (and your seat in the live Q&A and access to all recordings), go here:


Stefanie Arroyo