Years ago, when I was in law school, I wrote the beginnings of a law review article about Facebook’s privacy policies. When I presented my idea for department approval, it was considered, at best, ridiculous—in fact, my Remedies professor literally laughed me out of his office, especially when I posed the question about whether Facebook or Google would ever be considered a utility.

Well, turns out, I might have been right.

(Which may be the only curve I was ever ahead of in law school.)

It turns out, every time you click the “Log in using your Facebook account” button on your favorite food delivery/dating app/online game, you’re essentially volunteering all your information to that third-party app god-knows-where run by god-knows-who for god-knows-what. 

Which is why I spent the better part of an hour removing approximately 4647373848383 apps from my Fakebook account. 

Paranoid much? 


Especially after I had voluntarily gave away my information out of laziness (opting in the old-fashioned way—entering and confirming your email, creating a password, adding an avatar photo, etc. etc.—seemed far too tedious). And, the premise of it all, according to Facebook, is to create a “personal and social experience” for the user.

But, it was more than a little disconcerting when I found out, by accident, that I was actively logged into literally hundreds of apps—ranging from the one-off “Which ‘Game of Thrones’ character are you?” online quizzes, food delivery services I now know to stay well away from, games downloaded while bored at the airport, to long-abandoned “track my run/walk/workout” and dating sites.

I’m not saying this kind of marketing doesn’t work—if it didn’t, privacy breaches like this wouldn’t be at such a premium. 

Nor am I saying that marketers shouldn’t do use this for profit—after all, direct mail marketers renting lists is a tale as old as time.

It’s just not my cup of tea. 

But anyway. 

There are other ways to understand and better target your market that don’t involve listening in on private messages or pixeling your market to death. 

Ways that, when used with organic *or* paid traffic, could improve your conversion and close rate how-many-fold…

… and are already being used by 80% of the Fortune 100 (not 500, mind you) as well as hundreds of universities and government agencies in, among other things, in their branding, marketing, and even hiring (and firing) practices. 

… and, while it’s secksy to use endless retargeting campaigns based on abandoned Seamless carts and swipes right on Bumble, are almost (if not over) a century old in practice. 

I talk about just some of these ways—specifically direct response copywriting and personality typing—in my upcoming training that will be happening live in a little less than a week. 

On this training, I talk about how to “type” your market (the keys to understanding what your market buys—and doesn’t buy—and why) and how to leverage this in your sales copy to close more and better clients and customers—whether you’re writing copy for someone’s product as a freelancer or selling your own.

The live training is happening on Friday, October 5th at 12pm PST, with a replay (audio and video) and transcript available to all registrants 48 hours after the call. 

Thing is, this training is happening only once. 

And, once it does, the training will be repackaged and resold as its own info product at nearly twice the price. 

(Which is why there isn’t a sales page yet.)

In the meantime, I’m offering a substantial discount—a full $100 off—the price for live attendants, as well as offering a live Q&A session immediately following for live help on all questions copy and typology. 

But only in the meantime as this is a limited offer. After the training is over, it will be $100 (or more) higher, and any remaining questions will go unanswered. 

To secure your seat in the live training (and access to the recordings) as well as the live Q&A session, and your $100 discount, go here before the 10/5 deadline:

Stefanie Arroyo