A while back, a member of my now-defunct Facebook group asked a critical cold approach sales question:

How, as an extrovert, do you approach introverts without scaring them away (or, worse, losing the sale)?

The I’s then emerged from their lairs and deigned to educate us poor E’s:

“DM or text, a quick ‘hey’ and cut right to the chase, immediately.”

“Email that is immediately interesting and to the point and allows the introvert to choose whether or not they want to interact. Don’t try to force an engagement through a direct message or text, and God forbid you should call or have an in-person conversation. Introverts hate being forced into conversations.”

And even some type-specific advice: “Use email and assume the INTJ has contempt for you (it’s not personal, we loathe people as a rule) for even trying to communicate with him/her at all.”

Others proferred ways to connect that won’t incur their wrath over small talk:
“[L]ook for the uncommon compliment. It can help prevent the appearance of being a mindless happy creature invading my peace. Same goes for bypassing small talk.”

And, once you get there, what would bring them out of their shells…and then some:

“Bring the food and/or alcohol and you’ll bring the E right out…and if it’s a guy INTJ and you’re interested in him beyond bid’niz, a little cleavage won’t hurt either.”

All helpful to know if you want to sell to an introvert (and more, but that’s for another day). 

Lucky for those in my group at the time (and those in my current membership site), introversion vs extroversion in sales and marketing is discussed pretty frequently. But, only a year or so before that, I had to learn it the hard way—when I would literally talk myself out of closing clients, even when they were the ones reaching out to me in the first place.  

Knowing this has all the difference between having a successful business and a barely-surviving one—and, in my case, whether or not I would be evicted from my home by my own uncle a few years ago. 

Well, I got to keep my apartment. And this is how:  by fundamentally changing the way I approach (and, yes, close) clients, both on sales calls and with copy.  

And, after a while, how I consult my clients during their launches. Like the first multi-five figure month A-List member Beth G. had: 

“Stefanie told me point blank that she didn’t believe that my audience was the problem with why I wasn’t making sales—it was how I was speaking to them. And she was right. I have spent time shifting my brand and positioning to the point that I just had my first $20k month, and Stefanie is an integral cog in the machine that has brought me there.”

I normally don’t talk about using personality typing in sales and marketing outside my short 5-7 minute videos in my membership portal, Biz Typology. And, I don’t go over how to apply this specifically in copywriting (or how to do it) outside off my 1:1 consulting (which starts anywhere from $997 to $5,000 per month). 

But, in only two days, I will be giving my first copywriting training open to those outside of my Biz Typology community, specifically on how to type your market and, using that information, create copy that they not only like, but they will buy from.

This two-hour training will be happening this Friday, Oct. 5th. As this is a live training that will be sold later as its own info product (which is why it doesn’t have a sales page—even if it’s about copywriting), I am offering it at a substantial discount from what it will be sold for in the future. 

This discount? A full 60% off, or $100 off regular pricing. 

But, this discount—along with access to the live Q&A immediately following the training—will be expiring on the day of the training, this Friday. 

(If you can’t make it, don’t worry—securing your seat also means you’ll have access to all recordings, including a transcript.)

To secure your seat, as well as your forever-access to the recordings and transcript, and the $100 discount, go forth here before the deadline Friday: 


Stefanie Arroyo