A little over a year a go—when my current business was only but a nubbin of an idea—I was struggling. 

Mainly, I was struggling with getting my opt-in (the free video training you received in your hot little hands sometime ago) together. Along with my landing page, my email autoresponder, and all the other bells and whistles it seemed, at the time, to be the most daunting series of neverending tasks in the universe.

If I’m being conservative, it took me literally months to get my list-building (and, frankly, my whole life) together.

I planned it. 
I scheduled the time. 
I did everything I was “supposed” to…except, you know, actually doing it. 

And, that nubbin of an idea of a business (that started with that little 5-minute training) would have never gotten off the ground at all, had it not been for my INTJ. 

He got tired of hearing me talk about it—and seeing none of the results. 

Turns out, he (and later, a whole slew of people) were waiting for something like Biz Typology to come out and, after asking me about it for the 4839383939th time, he decided to take things into his own hands. 

One day, he gruffly sat me down and, without a word, handed me a piece of paper and walked away.

It was a schedule. 

He already had seen me in action (read: in complete chaos) and had studied my ENFP-harebrainedness long enough to know how my mind works. 

And so, he created a schedule that worked for my personality—which is the complete opposite of his—and my personality alone.

The result? 

What was taking me months, took me days (two days, to be exact). 

And, just like that, I launched my training, which launched my business, which launched… well, everything. 

Well, there was more to it than that but, mainly, I didn’t work any harder, or any longer hours. In fact, I worked less. And, it was actually fun. 

And, it’s still fun—a year later, Biz Typology, my membership site about how to leverage your personality type to get more (and better) customers, clients, and sales, is doing swimmingly. 

I still work way less hours than I did before, and I don’t struggle with getting clients like I used to in previous feast-or-famine days of freelancing. 

One of the ways I stopped struggling was getting that opt-in together—and using daily(ish) email as I learned from Ben Settle. 

Who, in only a few short hours, will be doing a surprise bonus training, just for Biz Typology subscribers. 

(Just one of the many perks of joining Biz Typology.)

Thing is, this training will be LIVE—and only available live. There will NOT be a replay. 

And, this training is available only if you’re in the Biz Typology Facebook group, which accessible only to (you guessed it) Biz Typology subscribers. 

The training—on how to get clients sans struggle , even if you’re a procrastinator—will be happening TODAY around 10am PST, or whenever he’s done with his 10-mile morning walk.

(I don’t have an exact time—he literally just texted me about this, so it’s a surprise even to me.)

To access this bonus live-only, no-replay training, go here (in enough time to join and access the Facebook group): 


Stefanie Arroyo