When not being called a white supremacist, over the last week or so I’ve seen more than a few people on Twitter call personality typing “the thinking man’s astrology.” 

Which may make for a funny, retweetable tweet—but can’t be farther from the truth. 

First off: personality typing is based on psychology—you know, a real -ology. Your personality type isn’t based on chance or the planetary alignment at the time you were born. 

And, as such, they’re malleable: 

Many of my clients have typed, in one way or another, differently at different periods of their life. (Even Law School Stefania typed as an ENTP–likely because my feelings were beaten out of me by the Socratic method.)

You might not be able to change your moon sign or 12th house of the rising sun, but your personality can evolve over time.

And, whether you get along with someone or want to send them to the most desolate moon in the solar system by Express Mail isn’t determined by ideal planetary placements—it comes from actually knowing how that person operates, and responding and accepting them accordingly. 

Or, you know, the psychology of relationships.

And not just romantic ones either: the same goes for platonic relationships, such as hiring (and sometimes firing) of team members, VAs, coaches, JV partners and also getting hired yourself.

So, while it’s easy to reduce personality typing to “just another BS-ology”—even without the Tibetan meditation bells and crystal ball whistles—it’s not that secksy. 

What it is though, is effective. 

(So much so, people like to use the other secksy terms like “mind hacking” or “mental manipulation” to describe it—even if that’s not necessarily the case either.)

And one of the most effective means to utilize it? 

Is in all manners of sales and marketing—especially copywriting. 

Which is why I am (finally) holding a live training on how to use Biz Typology (what I’ve called my plant-variety of personality typing) on copywriting—whether you ’re a freelancing writer-for-hire or just want to improve your own skills for profit. 

In this two-hour live session, we will go over how to effectively “type”  your audience (no birth charts needed) and, using this information, how to write copy that will grab them by the eyeballs all the way down to the “Buy” button. 

Now, here’s the “but”: This training will be recorded and sold later on as its own info product. Which is why there is no sales page and I’m offering it at a heavily discounted rate—a full $100 off of what will be its regular price.

After the training is over, the price will bump up a 100 clams and you’ll have zero chance of having your questions answered in the live Q&A  following the training. 

To get your $100 discount and access to the live Q&A, go here:


Stefanie Arroyo