At lunch this week, I opened my INTJ’s fortune cookie (he’s one of those weirdos who actually eats the cookie and yet don’t read the fortune) which said:

“You will have a big change coming to you.” 

I laughed as he grimaced uncomfortably and munched the rest of the (tasteless, gross) cookie in grumbly silence. 

Thing is, he hates change. 

In fact, he loathes it. 


Because it requires too much thinking on his already-taxed brain that is constantly and ceaselessly coming up with every possibility and outcome to the surroundings and circumstances he’s in. 

He simply cannot budget one more synapse or neurotransmitter to process yet another thing to consider—or, worse, a change in plans.

Which is funny to think about (ha), considering I *love* change. 

Where he grumbles and gets (even more) crotchety, I get excited. And where his brain signals a 501 error code, my flux capacitor gets turned on.

Which is funny considering that we have eerily similar business models—a monthly continuity offer (him a monthly newsletter and me a monthly video series) that is simple to implement as a one-man (or -woman) band and easy to scale, and both capitalizing on daily (or for me, daily-ish) email. 

But, while they’re similar enough in execution (we’re both done with our workday in time for lunch), it differs enough in conception to match our vastly different personality types. 

For him, he has something regular, steady, and consistent that he can count on and set his internal clock by. 
For me, I have an endless playground to express myself however I want and free rein to go nuts however I please.

Alas, our continuity offers may be the same, but they differ in the important parts—they work *with* our personality type. 


Which is exactly why I carefully (and sometimes loudly and vociferously) advise certain clients of mine to *not* do what I do and to instead do what my INTJ does. 

Or, to please-for-the-love-of-God not start a print newsletter and do something else that’s more in line with what they should do. 

By knowing your the ins (and more importantly, the outs) of your personality type, you have the keys to the kingdom of knowing what actually works… and what woefully does not. 

I can tell you right now that, if I did my own print newsletter, I would have folded up shop about a month in. 

And, if those with the same or similar personality types like my INTJ, they would tear their own eyes out at the thought of making seasons upon seasons of videos. 

And not knowing that can make all the difference between a change you love and a change you hate. 

I talk about this in my continuity bonus, a two-hour training pulling back the curtain on exactly how I created my membership site, Biz Typology—from offer creation, content delivery, through to the tech I use to manage the mothership—and how to create the offer that aligns with your own personality type, even if it differs from mine (and, yes, my INTJ’s).

But, this “bonus” won’t be a bonus forever—in a little over 12 hour’s time, the bonus will be vanishing into the ether, to reappear again as its own info product (priced somewhere around $297). 

So, you have about a half-day to not only access it, but to also consume it. 

(Feet, meet fire.) 

That is, if you want to save yourself about $300 that could easily go into creating and scaling your new continuity offer for at least a couple of months. 

(I cover my monthly expenses as well in the training. Details inside.) 

For more, no fortune cookie needed, go here before the 11:59pm EST deadline tonight:

Stefanie Arroyo