While most people have already rung up their credit cards online or (ugh) in line at the shopping mall, I just got up from a tryptophan coma and am about to have my annual pretzel-bun cheeseburger. 

Why? Because, while less commonly known as Black Friday, it’s actually my birthday. 

But, even as a freshly-minted 33-year-old, I’m still getting a lot of OPP (Other People’s Opinions) on what I should do with my life as if I were still 18. 

To some (namely my mother), this year is the last-chance fire sale for me (and my ovaries) to start a family. 

To the woo-woo witchpreneur Facebook society, this is my  Pinnacle Life Path year in numerology because, like the laundry, life is in cycles. 

Or, better yet, to fellow millennials, this is my “Jesus year,” where I’m supposed to take life by the brass ones and “leave a legacy.”

(I suppose the “religious persecution, torture, and death” part comes after.)


Instead of yet another Black Friday sale or Cyber Weekend discount off, I’m not giving you anything. 


Well, it’s my birthday, dammit. 

Which is why I’ll be going live tomorrow in my private Facebook community about, among other things, the goals for my 33rd year and how they can make *you* more profitable. 

To get access to the livestream—and about 50+ other livestreams and videos all on how to get more and better clients with the same psychological tools and sales techniques 80% of the Fortune 100 are using this Black Friday and every other day—go here: 


Stefanie Arroyo