The single best business or marketing advice I’ve ever gotten is this: 

None of us are reinventing the wheel. 

Meaning, whatever bright shiny object some Internet marketing badass-cryptopreneur on Instagram is touting as “the #1 secret to unlocking millions!”… is not something they invented. 

This is especially true if it so happens to not be complete bullsheet.

Not only are they not only not reinventing the wheel, they’re often repeating the same line that’s been said for literally thousands of years.

Here’s what I mean:

Sun Tzu, the greatest and most influential military strategist in human history, said this… 2,500 years ago: 

“If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles… if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.” 

This applies to business, too. And especially marketing. 

If you know yourself AND your market, you cannot lose. You will win, every time. 

And if you don’t know yourself or your clients? Well, you get the picture. No honey, no monie. 

Here’s the rub: 

I’m no Sun Tzu—nor am I an inventor of wheels. 

(Also, in case you didn’t know: I’m not several thousands of years old.)

As if market research hasn’t been around for already thousands of years, what I specifically teach has been around for almost a century. 

So, it’s not a “game-changing” hack I singlehandedly invented. 

Nor is it an ancient Chinese secret either: 

It’s so well known, it’s a required subject in psychology departments around the globe. It’s also used by 80% of the Fortune 100 and ( in my last count) by about 10,000 companies, 2,500 colleges and universities, and about 200 US government agencies. 

In other words, there are a lot of people who are already talking about what I talk about. 

(And some would even argue my market is “saturated.”)

Which is why, in my upcoming two-hour Biz Typology copywriting training,  I’m not going to teach anything new. 

Because, just as I didn’t invent personality typing, I didn’t invent copywriting either. (Surprise!)

But, what I can teach you is how to utilize personality typing and copywriting in harmony—and in profit—when it comes to knowing your market’s “type” and writing copy that actually speaks to them, in their type’s language, so they’ll fall over themselves to buy what you’re selling. 

This isn’t new—this is how multi-million dollar corporations like Estee Lauder and Coca Cola build their campaigns. 

But, this may be different—whether you’re a freelance copywriter or just looking to improve your copy chops—from how you normally do things. 

So, not so much a new kind of wheel as changing out balding ones for a different kind of tread. 

But, these rims are available for only a limited time—the training is happening on Fri. Oct. 5th, at 12pm PST. 

After the live call, the material will go back into the vault and reemerge as its own copywriting course to be sold for nearly twice as much as it would cost if you joined now.

(Which brings to mind another age-old adage: you snooze, you lose.) 

To get access to the LIVE two-hour training (including the audio/video recordings and transcript even if you can’t make the live call), at a full $100 off normal pricing, go here before the deadline:

Stefanie Arroyo