If you have no idea what Biz Typology is (or why you should care, or how it can even help you) that’s okay.

A couple of months ago, I was interviewed by my mentor, Ben Settle, about personality typing. We talked about what buyer’s psychology REALLY means—understanding how your client’s mind works so you can better sell to them, work with them, and keep getting hired by them.

The only other way for you to get this interview is to have been a subscriber of his $97 per month newsletter at the time. (And you can’t even get back issues anymore.)

But, today, I’m giving it to you for free.

Here’s part 1 of the interview:

INTERVIEWER: Big corporations bring people in who are experts at this sort of thing [personality typing] to help them get their employees behaving better, and the bosses relating better to the employees. But, I’ve never seen anyone apply it directly to marketing:

How to use personality typing to make someone’s emails more persuasive, to close more clients, to deal with joint venture partners better, to find out who you should be dealing with and who you should not be dealing with. How to deal with deadlines better. (Like, if you have someone who you’ve hired to do something and they haven’t gotten it done by a certain time, and you start getting nervous and that may not be the problem you think it is. This is something I learned recently.)

Long story short, I did find such an expert. And by the end of this interview you will know some ways to actually make more sales, close more clients if you do client work, deal with your VAs better, joint venture partners better. This rabbit hole goes very deep…. To get it kicked off, Stefanie, tell us about yourself, and how you got into typing and that sort of thing.

STEFANIE ARROYO: I am a former legal person turned copywriter and brand messaging strategist. I created what I call Personality Type-Based Marketing. The work that I’ve done in law was all very client-focused. In doing that, I realized there’s actually way more to speaking to clients, more in terms of creating copy around them, or getting on sales calls—it’s about reaching out to clients or actually understanding who they are, to better relate to them in the way that you can sell to them, you can speak to them, you can coach them.

Certain personality type-based testing has a direct applicability to this kind of work, because this is really understanding who clients are based on their personalities and how they tick. You can’t use a blanket strategy in how to relate to them.

INTERVIEWER: Give me an example of how a coach or a consultant could apply this as far as closing clients? I know you’ve made some mistakes. You’ve talked your way out of sales because you didn’t really realize this was going on?

STEFANIE ARROYO: Yes, definitely. One of the things is to really understand who’s on the other end of the line. Who’s on the other end of the phone, or who’s across the desk from me? This goes into even hiring. But, specifically with clients, you want to understand who it is you’re talking to. I’m not just talking about sales letters and things like that, I’m talking about actual sales calls. Like you said, I totally talked my way out of sales because I’m a very extroverted person. I’m very wordy, and if I’m talking to someone who’s an introvert, I’m totally scaring them away, and that’s exactly what I did. In knowing how to harness that, understanding how they process information, how giving them too much is going to scare them away, that infinitely helped me with clients.

Even one of my recent clients (she is an INTJ like you) works with female coaches, so she had to learn how to use emotional language, how to use storytelling and emotive language to attract more coaches, who aren’t necessarily into the logic and everything that she is. So sometimes it’s about learning their language, or learning how to speak to them on their level.

INTERVIEWER: I got a real life example for you… I’m at this point where I want to start investing money, and I was real excited to talk to this person. What I wanted to be a ten minute call, because I’m an “I,” I don’t want to talk for an hour, and the guy just talked literally for like 40 minutes straight. I have no desire to buy from him. He’s a good guy, I got nothing against him. I literally have nothing against him except he annoyed the hell out of me because he wouldn’t shut up. He never asked me any questions, he’s just going on, and on, and on, and on, kind of like you were saying, just talking himself out of a sale.

If he’d been talking to an extrovert, that guy would have loved it probably. Had he known what you know, I think he would have actually asked more question and encouraged me to tell him what he needs to know instead of trying to assume he knows what I want and everything. Anyway, the guy’s been trying to contact me ever since. Like, “Hey, we ever gonna have that other call?” I’m thinking, “No, dude. I’m not interested now.” So, for coaches and consultants, freelancers, that sort of thing, this is very important.

STEFANIE ARROYO: Absolutely. Even what you just said now… you don’t want to be on an hour long call as an introvert. But, also you want to know, “What is this gonna do for me?” You want the facts, you want the figures, you want directing. If you know the other person on the line is am emotional person, is an “F,” then that person isn’t gonna necessarily care about the specific results. They’re not gonna care about conversion rates—they want, “How is this gonna make me feel?” Especially in the “making money” business, some people want to know, “Okay, I’m gonna make 100k doing this thing.” But, if you’re an emotional person, that copy should focus on, “How will having 100k feel in your life?”

INTERVIEWER: So, this is gonna change the way you write your benefits… or just even talk about benefits whether you’re writing an ad or not, or talking to someone. Now, let’s talk about info-marketers, because there are people who are reading this who are informational marketers. How can we use it to make more sales for what we’re doing?

This ends Part I of the interview.

In the meantime, the doors to my long-awaited Biz Typology membership site are now open.

If you join during this launch weekend, you’ll have access to my bonus Biz Typology masterclass (which retailed for $397) and get a free group coaching for 30 days (worth $199 per month)—so basically a cool $596 slipped right into your hot little pocket.

But, to get these bonuses, you have to sign up this weekend—after this weekend, you can kiss the group coaching (and the rest of the bonuses) goodbye.

To join us inside, go here:
