A few days ago, a field representative from the CDC was at my door, wanting me to answer an hour-long questionnaire for a county-wide public health study. 

(Of course, in one of the most densely populated counties in the country, I was one out of the 8 households chosen. C’est la vie.)

Because as a government employee he probably already knew everything about me, I let him in and answered (or rather confirmed) all his invasive, personal health questions. 

One of the things he asked was if I’m forgetful. Seeing the blank look on my face (as I even forget what I’m saying mid-sentence), he said: 

“Everyone forgets where they put their keys, it’s when you forget what the keys are for is when you should be worried.”

I laughed. But then he responded to my giggle with unexpected seriousness:

“You know, this is actually a serious question. Doctors say this so if you don’t have that problem, you can just laugh it off and not feel uncomfortable. But if you do, it gets to the bottom of the problem real fast.”

With one simple, mildly amusing question, a doctor can assess whether if your brain fog is just a shortened attention span, age, “mommy brain”…or a serious underlying neurological issue. 

If you don’t have a problem, it’s just harmless banter. 

If you do, then gives rise for concern—but not in a way that causes panic or, worse, denial. 

And, that’s what true personality typing does, too. 

Many personality tests (especially the free ones) ask questions in such a way that you can’t help but answer with bias. 

Which is exactly why so many people are mistyped—for instance, true introverts are often typed as extroverts, and vice versa.

In fact, up to 78% of people are mistyped completely. 


Because these internet quizzes don’t ask questions in a natural way that allow for unbiased, self-aware answers.

Instead, they’ll ask “are you comfortable around large groups of people?”

As if introverts can’t command a room.

Or, better yet, as if extroverts are naturally good at public speaking. 

(Both of which are far from the truth.)

Which is why I’ve boiled down personality typing into just 4 questions. 

Questions that are short and to the point, and also allow for natural (read: honest) answers about who you really are—not just what the world to think you are.

Typing this way will not only save you time but also potential misdiagnoses.

And it’s way more fun than answering 3839373939 banal questions, even if they’re free. 

If you want to know how to accurately type yourself—and everyone else—you can by joining my Biz Typology membership site, where you’ll have access to my 1.5-hour masterclass devoted just to typing with precision, and without needless (and misleading) fluff. 

To get access for less than your Netflix subscription, go here: 
