Yesterday, I mentioned the 10-page interview I did with Ben Settle, an interview that’s otherwise impossible to get anywhere else—anywhere else but here. And, also yesterday, I launched my Biz Typology membership site—it’s less than the cost of your Netflix subscription, and far more profitable.

To show you, here’s Part II of the interview:

BEN SETTLE: …let’s talk about info-marketers, because there are people who are reading this who are informational marketers. How can we use it to make more sales for what we’re doing?

STEFANIE ARROYO: This is where it shifts. Obviously market research is necessary, you need to know your market no matter what you’re teaching. What I’m suggesting is to actually change, or shift, a little bit the way that you do market research to pay attention to how people are communicating about their problems. For instance, if you’re in what I call the “making money” business and you’re looking at those who are focused at making a certain number of sales, a certain amount of passive income per month, and they’re focused just specifically on that number of conversion rates, for instance, investing for some sort of return—you know you’re talking mainly to “T’s.” They want figures, they are looking for credibility. They want proof, factual proof.

If you’re looking at your market and you see that they’re using a lot of, “I feel this,” or they’re describing their pains using emotional response, then you want to focus the benefits on “how is it gonna feel to have that 100k?” “How is it gonna feel to be able to put your kids through college?” If you’re in health and wellness, “how’s it gonna feel to actually be healthier?” Pay attention to how your market describes their problems, and being able to speak to them that same way, using those same words. Whether it’s emotional, whether it’s factual, that is gonna make you more sales infinitely because you’re talking about the benefits they’re looking for.

BEN SETTLE: I guess this is a question I could almost answer based on what you just told me, and you could tell me if I go off on this or not. In creating sales letters, and emails, and ads, one of things I teach is to go look at forums and Facebook groups, wherever they’re hanging out, and actually look at the words they’re using, and use their words in the way they describe problems. A guy named David Garfinkel, brilliant copywriter, taught me this – don’t just talk about the problem, but how do they specifically describe it? What exact words do they use? That’s gonna change depending on if they’re an “F” or an “I” or whatever.

STEFANIE ARROYO: Right. This is something that, whether you’re doing direct response or whatever it is that you’re selling, you should be doing anyway. What I’m suggesting is there’s actually a method to that madness. There’s a reason why they describe the pain that they do, in the way that they do it. Besides just using their language, now you’re understanding why they’re using that particular language. Because they’re thinkers, or because they’re feelers.

BEN SETTLE: I’ve noticed that people who are like me, if you watch what they do in blog comments, or forums, wherever, Facebook, they’re very banter-ish. We like to banter a lot. So, if I’m writing emails to people like me, I’m gonna banter a lot. Which I do. But, if I was writing in the weight loss things, which I’ve done, I didn’t do any of that banter stuff. I actually just looked at what they’re saying and how they said it. I was doing this, I just didn’t realize I was doing it. But now, I actually understand there’s a deeper reason behind it. So, this is a whole other dimension here that I’ve been missing, that a lot of people are missing. Can you talk more about that?

STEFANIE ARROYO: Yeah, definitely. It is really important to understand the “why” behind why they’re doing the things that they do, it’s not just parroting what people are saying, it’s understanding why they’re operating that way. I work primarily with female coaches—mindset, health and wellness, also business coaching. I had to understand why are they using evocative emotional language—of “why are they going into that deep dive, deep confessional kind of stuff?” Understanding why it’s happening it helps me understand *them* more, for understanding why your market behaves the way it does. Whether you’re staying in this market, if you’re moving into another market, if you’re a copywriter or marketer something, if you understand that there’s a reason behind it, it makes it that much more easier to speak to other people from this market or another one.

BEN SETTLE: This goes beyond just sales and marketing and all that?


BEN SETTLE: This encompasses a lot of different things. I know there are companies that do this, they go in and help people hire the best people, whether it be VAs, whether it be the secretary, whether it be a specialist in something, who they should be giving promotions to, and who should be working there with those people… there’s a whole thing there. We’re not all giant corporations here. Let’s say, someone who has four or five VAs, or maybe they’re dealing with joint venture partners, or something like that, what are some tips for them on how they can observe their personality and then use it?

And so on and so forth.

There’s a huge difference between being a marketing parrot, using language copy and pasted from a forum to create some cobbled-together client avatar, and actually understanding how your clients and customers act and behave, and why.

Biz Typology makes that difference.

And, if you join during this launch, you’ll get 30 days of bonus group coaching to implement personality typing in your business (and personal life), right out of the box. But, to get this extra bonus, you have only until this Sunday.

To join (and get your bonus 30-day group coaching), go here: