The fundamentals of troll-ology

When not being called a white supremacist, over the last week or so I’ve seen more than a few people on Twitter call personality typing “the thinking man’s astrology.” 

Which may make for a funny, retweetable tweet—but can’t be farther from the truth. 

First off: personality typing is based on psychology—you know, a real -ology. Your personality type isn’t based on chance or the planetary alignment at the time you were born. 

And, as such, they’re malleable: 

Many of my clients have typed, in one way or another, differently at different periods of their life. (Even Law School Stefania typed as an ENTP–likely because my feelings were beaten out of me by the Socratic method.)

You might not be able to change your moon sign or 12th house of the rising sun, but your personality can evolve over time.

And, whether you get along with someone or want to send them to the most desolate moon in the solar system by Express Mail isn’t determined by ideal planetary placements—it comes from actually knowing how that person operates, and responding and accepting them accordingly. 

Or, you know, the psychology of relationships.

And not just romantic ones either: the same goes for platonic relationships, such as hiring (and sometimes firing) of team members, VAs, coaches, JV partners and also getting hired yourself.

So, while it’s easy to reduce personality typing to “just another BS-ology”—even without the Tibetan meditation bells and crystal ball whistles—it’s not that secksy. 

What it is though, is effective. 

(So much so, people like to use the other secksy terms like “mind hacking” or “mental manipulation” to describe it—even if that’s not necessarily the case either.)

And one of the most effective means to utilize it? 

Is in all manners of sales and marketing—especially copywriting. 

Which is why I am (finally) holding a live training on how to use Biz Typology (what I’ve called my plant-variety of personality typing) on copywriting—whether you ’re a freelancing writer-for-hire or just want to improve your own skills for profit. 

In this two-hour live session, we will go over how to effectively “type”  your audience (no birth charts needed) and, using this information, how to write copy that will grab them by the eyeballs all the way down to the “Buy” button. 

Now, here’s the “but”: This training will be recorded and sold later on as its own info product. Which is why there is no sales page and I’m offering it at a heavily discounted rate—a full $100 off of what will be its regular price.

After the training is over, the price will bump up a 100 clams and you’ll have zero chance of having your questions answered in the live Q&A  following the training. 

To get your $100 discount and access to the live Q&A, go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

The N Game

While packing for the first leg of 3380229404 flights over next few days, I remembered one of the in-flight movies I watched the last time I was trapped on a plane: Interstellar, the Christopher Nolan film from a few years ago. 

One of the things I’d gotten from the movie (besides a headache contemplating space theory) was a definitive example of how N’s operate—and by “N” I mean iNtuitive types. (Don’t let the weird spelling fool you–Introverts don’t like to share anything, let alone share their abbreviations.)

In the movie, Joe Cooper, played by Matthew McConaughey, is one “alright alright alright” away from calling it quits on his dusty, famine-stricken farm. But then, one mysterious occurrence after another results in an obsession with cracking a code—a code that ultimately led exploring worm holes in outer space. 

Joe is a textbook N: once a crazy idea (or several) take hold, they will chase after it across cornfields, into space, and even into the back of a bookcase that somehow ejects him into the future. (If you haven’t seen the movie, well… now you know what happens. #spoiler). 

My INTJ also suffers from this N-Game syndrome, and describes it like this: it’s like finding a loose thread on your shirt, then tugging on it endlessly (and often mercilessly) until you reach its end… even if it means maybe unraveling the whole thing.

So what does that mean? 

For N’s, the future is not just now—it’s catnip. It’s endless in its possibilities (both good and bad, mind you) and, as such, they become so preoccupied with it, they almost miss the present. 

And knowing this can be TREMENDOUSLY useful—especially if you’re selling to them. 

Why? Because most entrepreneurs are, by default, looking for the next thing. Their cornfields. Their wormholes. Their loose thread. If they’re not already hooked, they’re actively looking for bait. 

So, if you’re a copywriter or write your own copy that targets N’s, I can show you how to put out the most delectable-looking baited hook for them. 

In my upcoming Biz Typology Copywriting Training, I will show you not only how a N’s mind works, but also how to pique their curiosity so much they’ll want to chase after you (and your products and your mission) through space. They will want to pull at the loose thread. They’ll keep wanting to go farther, and longer, with you—all the way to the bottom of that sales page.

But, to get this, you need to sign up first. The training will be happening live on October 5th, at 3pm EST—if you can’t make it, you’ll have full access to both the video and audio replay *and* a transcript.

Now, this training will be recorded LIVE, so there isn’t a sales page for it yet. Later, when it’s bundled as its own info-product, there will be—and another $100 tacked onto the price. Until then, it’s sales page-less and available at a heavily discounted rate of $196—but only until the day of the training. After that, it’ll go back to the vault and reemerge anew (and more expensive.)

To join the training and get your $100 discount, go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Success secrets of an I-hole

A little over a year a go—when my current business was only but a nubbin of an idea—I was struggling. 

Mainly, I was struggling with getting my opt-in (the free video training you received in your hot little hands sometime ago) together. Along with my landing page, my email autoresponder, and all the other bells and whistles it seemed, at the time, to be the most daunting series of neverending tasks in the universe.

If I’m being conservative, it took me literally months to get my list-building (and, frankly, my whole life) together.

I planned it. 
I scheduled the time. 
I did everything I was “supposed” to…except, you know, actually doing it. 

And, that nubbin of an idea of a business (that started with that little 5-minute training) would have never gotten off the ground at all, had it not been for my INTJ. 

He got tired of hearing me talk about it—and seeing none of the results. 

Turns out, he (and later, a whole slew of people) were waiting for something like Biz Typology to come out and, after asking me about it for the 4839383939th time, he decided to take things into his own hands. 

One day, he gruffly sat me down and, without a word, handed me a piece of paper and walked away.

It was a schedule. 

He already had seen me in action (read: in complete chaos) and had studied my ENFP-harebrainedness long enough to know how my mind works. 

And so, he created a schedule that worked for my personality—which is the complete opposite of his—and my personality alone.

The result? 

What was taking me months, took me days (two days, to be exact). 

And, just like that, I launched my training, which launched my business, which launched… well, everything. 

Well, there was more to it than that but, mainly, I didn’t work any harder, or any longer hours. In fact, I worked less. And, it was actually fun. 

And, it’s still fun—a year later, Biz Typology, my membership site about how to leverage your personality type to get more (and better) customers, clients, and sales, is doing swimmingly. 

I still work way less hours than I did before, and I don’t struggle with getting clients like I used to in previous feast-or-famine days of freelancing. 

One of the ways I stopped struggling was getting that opt-in together—and using daily(ish) email as I learned from Ben Settle. 

Who, in only a few short hours, will be doing a surprise bonus training, just for Biz Typology subscribers. 

(Just one of the many perks of joining Biz Typology.)

Thing is, this training will be LIVE—and only available live. There will NOT be a replay. 

And, this training is available only if you’re in the Biz Typology Facebook group, which accessible only to (you guessed it) Biz Typology subscribers. 

The training—on how to get clients sans struggle , even if you’re a procrastinator—will be happening TODAY around 10am PST, or whenever he’s done with his 10-mile morning walk.

(I don’t have an exact time—he literally just texted me about this, so it’s a surprise even to me.)

To access this bonus live-only, no-replay training, go here (in enough time to join and access the Facebook group):

Stefanie Arroyo

Why I got accused of being a white supremacist

Recently, a new consulting client figured out he was an ENFP like I am, and joked about how he could use my personal anecdotes as a cheat sheet for both his business and personal life. 

I share these stories—from dating, running a business, and other shenanigans—pretty frequently in my emails. For one, because it’s entertaining (at least to me) and also because most people learn best by example. 

(Which is why I use one of the most popular shows in cable TV history to explain personality typing and what different types “look” like— a sort of “Typology-in Action.”)

Recently this sort of blew up in my face (and my Twitter mentions) when I was accidentally roped into an ongoing Twitter feud by sharing some embarrassing dating stories on social media. 

Turns out, rappers of yore don’t like being associated with bad dates with millennial men and so I was called, among a few things, a white supremacist—making me what I would assume to be one of the few LatiNazis out there.

But, racial contradictions aside: 

There are particular personality types who almost *only* can understand the world and the information given to them by example. 

I talk about this in a recent episode in Biz Typology (specifically the episode called “S-ual Harassment”)  where I shared how, while working in one of the biggest plaintiff’s litigation firms in New York, using examples and analogies helped me communicate clients who were more often than not extremely frustrated with their case, the legal system—and, by extension, me.

By knowing this quirky tool (and understanding why I had to use it), I was able to calm down understandably stressed, hurt, and tired clients into doing what it is that I needed them to do—not only so they wouldn’t yell at me, but so I could better prosecute their case. 

(Of course, I only realized after the fact that using an example to teach the power of example made this the most meta Biz Typology episode so far.)

While this was helpful in getting my personal injury clients to cooperate so I can better prosecute their case (and sometimes to stop yelling at me) this is especially useful when used in business and marketing—from talking stressed and frustrated clients off the ledge in order to listen to your advice (if you’re a consultant or a freelancer), to turning a frustrated burnt-out lead into a ready, willing and even excited client. 

(And, yes—this is also helpful when dealing with social media trolls. By using examples, you can poke holes in their arguments with swift derision.) 

To learn more by example (sans hate-mongering tweets), go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Why Manuel fell asleep during my continuity training

Reader and Biz Typology subscriber Manuel A. writes: 

Thanks for the Continuity Bonus Training.

I watched the entire video, subliminally.

I dozed a few times but was only halfway conked, and remember hearing your voice as I dreamt (I was being lectured for part of the dream, and there were huge spiders in outside bushes for some reason).

When I raised from my stupor, you were still yapping, I had clarity though, kind of an ahh-ha thing.

I know what I want to do, more based on who I am now. ISTJ-A.

I like a format crossover of what you and elBenbo are doing. 

A product based on “integrity.”

The continuity bonus training will cease being a “bonus” for Biz Typology subscribers in the next 6 hours. After that, it will be taken down and repackaged as an info product somewhere in the $300 range. 

So, if you join Biz Typology now (and watch the two-hour training), that leaves you four hours to immediately implement your new continuity offer. 

But, to get your head’s start (and save yourself about $287 in the process), you have to sign up (and watch the training) before the deadline. 

To access (and implement) immediately, go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Which is better: a newsletter or a membership site?

At lunch this week, I opened my INTJ’s fortune cookie (he’s one of those weirdos who actually eats the cookie and yet don’t read the fortune) which said:

“You will have a big change coming to you.” 

I laughed as he grimaced uncomfortably and munched the rest of the (tasteless, gross) cookie in grumbly silence. 

Thing is, he hates change. 

In fact, he loathes it. 


Because it requires too much thinking on his already-taxed brain that is constantly and ceaselessly coming up with every possibility and outcome to the surroundings and circumstances he’s in. 

He simply cannot budget one more synapse or neurotransmitter to process yet another thing to consider—or, worse, a change in plans.

Which is funny to think about (ha), considering I *love* change. 

Where he grumbles and gets (even more) crotchety, I get excited. And where his brain signals a 501 error code, my flux capacitor gets turned on.

Which is funny considering that we have eerily similar business models—a monthly continuity offer (him a monthly newsletter and me a monthly video series) that is simple to implement as a one-man (or -woman) band and easy to scale, and both capitalizing on daily (or for me, daily-ish) email. 

But, while they’re similar enough in execution (we’re both done with our workday in time for lunch), it differs enough in conception to match our vastly different personality types. 

For him, he has something regular, steady, and consistent that he can count on and set his internal clock by. 
For me, I have an endless playground to express myself however I want and free rein to go nuts however I please.

Alas, our continuity offers may be the same, but they differ in the important parts—they work *with* our personality type. 


Which is exactly why I carefully (and sometimes loudly and vociferously) advise certain clients of mine to *not* do what I do and to instead do what my INTJ does. 

Or, to please-for-the-love-of-God not start a print newsletter and do something else that’s more in line with what they should do. 

By knowing your the ins (and more importantly, the outs) of your personality type, you have the keys to the kingdom of knowing what actually works… and what woefully does not. 

I can tell you right now that, if I did my own print newsletter, I would have folded up shop about a month in. 

And, if those with the same or similar personality types like my INTJ, they would tear their own eyes out at the thought of making seasons upon seasons of videos. 

And not knowing that can make all the difference between a change you love and a change you hate. 

I talk about this in my continuity bonus, a two-hour training pulling back the curtain on exactly how I created my membership site, Biz Typology—from offer creation, content delivery, through to the tech I use to manage the mothership—and how to create the offer that aligns with your own personality type, even if it differs from mine (and, yes, my INTJ’s).

But, this “bonus” won’t be a bonus forever—in a little over 12 hour’s time, the bonus will be vanishing into the ether, to reappear again as its own info product (priced somewhere around $297). 

So, you have about a half-day to not only access it, but to also consume it. 

(Feet, meet fire.) 

That is, if you want to save yourself about $300 that could easily go into creating and scaling your new continuity offer for at least a couple of months. 

(I cover my monthly expenses as well in the training. Details inside.) 

For more, no fortune cookie needed, go here before the 11:59pm EST deadline tonight:

Stefanie Arroyo

Witch, please.

A couple of days ago, a post floated up to the top of the neverending shyt-fountain that is my Facebook feed.

It was by yet another arse-tral projecting witchpreneur, complaining about how a medium ripped her off of a sizable chunk of change by not delivering on inner child readings she paid for. 

(My imagination ain’t nearly this good.) 

Along with her diatribe about being shafted by a shapeshifter, she posted roughly 282728292 screenshots of what went down.

Apparently, the spiritual death coach had tried repeatedly to back out of her healing services, citing a slew of reasons:

-She wasn’t coachable.
-Her energy was too blocked
-And (my personal favorite) her inner little girl was stubborn and had retreated too far for her to access her.

Amidst of all this, there was the usual coaching kerfuffle:  threatening to file PayPal claims, air grievances online, etc. etc.

But, a new one emerged from the spiritual ether regions: 

The threat to reverse or even “reactivate” “negative energetic cords.”

Basically, the mediumpreneur said she’d slash the energy tires of her witchmobile (“witch” is why they should stick to brooms) if she opened a claim against her on PayPal.

It was downright supernatural to behold. 

And, a reminder of why I got out of the life coaching spiritpreneur realm to begin with.

Not only because of a lack of alignment—but because  “reactivating negative energetic cords” don’t pay the bills. Nor do those cord-reactivators make for good clients to help create actual, viable businesses with actual, steady income (instead of just diddling their chakras online).

Which is (one of many reasons) why I created a two-hour training on how to create a continuity offer that can withstand hexes and curses—and is even inner-childproof. 

In this training, I go over exactly how I created my membership site Biz Typology, from soup to nuts—from offer creation, content delivery, all the way through the tech backend that meets with my P-brained, scattered ways. 

(No witchcraft, mediums, or knowing the astral forecast required—in fact, it works even better during Mercury in retrograde.) 

This training is available for free to Biz Typology subscribers—but like the waning moon, it will come to an end. After Sunday eve, the training will scuttle back into the vault, to re-emerge in its new, higher-prices form (of about $297 or so).

To get access to the training—plus the 20+ videos on how to use the almost medium-like powers of personality typing to read the minds of your clients, customers, employees, and even loved ones—go forth ye here before the deadline:

Stefanie Arroyo

Stefania hit with #metoo?

In yesterday’s email, I talked about an SJWoo coach on Fakebook who, instead of taking my advice to build a list and stop Internet busking via Patreon, accused me of being a digital-Harvey Weinstein for not asking for consent first before giving suggestions for her floundering business. 

Since then, I’m told that not only is her Patreon account being further throttled by an 18+ Adult Content tag—meaning, if Patreon deems content too “sensitive,” it will get flagged… and not show up on the Patreon website at all. 

If having a Patreon is like being an Internet street performer, getting an Adult Content tag is the equivalent of the avenue closing down on both sides—and being left playing guitar for dollars on the sidewalk alone with no one to see.

And, as if that’s not enough of an insult to injury, an additional 3% fee is being taken from these Patreon buskers’ tin cups for having international “patrons”—on top of their fees for successful payments (when patrons successfully contribute to Patreon), payment processing (when the payment is moved from patrons to the “creator’s balance”), AND payouts (when funds are moved from the balance to your bank or PayPal).

Of course, they announced this today as being effective immediately—which so happens to be the payday for all content creators on the platform. 

So, not only have they’ve singlehandedly taken away almost all traffic to her business, they’ve also taken an even larger cut from the top along with it with no rhyme, reason, or warning.

Which means, in her ramshackle house that is like most SJWoo coaching businesses, the gas has been cut off—AND they stole the copper wiring inside.

Since she already told me off via a fragrantly passive-aggressive Fakebook post for #metoo’ing her business, I’m refraining from further help (or even an “I told you so,” no matter how delicious that would be) for the next eternity. 

But, that doesn’t mean I can’t share elsewhere. 
Which is exactly why I created a nearly two-hour training on exactly how I created my own membership site from essentially scratch—on my own platform no less, so no open guitar case or handouts necessary.

In it, I go over every consideration I made in creating an offer that worked best for my own personality type—from the content I create, how I deliver it, and even the tech I use to run my entire membership site in the backend. And, in this training, I show you how to not only assess your own strengths and weaknesses of your own personality type, but how to create your own uniquely-matched, hard-to-duplicate offer too. 

I basically pull back the curtain to my entire operation—as well as give you an ingredient list to my secret sauce.

This training which would otherwise cost $297 but, to keep them off the Internet streets, it is free to Biz Typology subscribers.
…well, for now. 

Thing is, like most handouts—sometimes $free.99 can actually hurt your business more than help. Which is why this training will ONLY be accessible for free until the end of this weekend. 

After Sunday night, it will go into the vault, to only be seen again as its own info product (with three-figures attached). 

So, to watch this training, you have the next 4 days to join Biz Typology to gain access—and consume the material. 

No handouts here.

To access the two-hour training (and step on the gas away from Internet Hobo-ville) for free, go here before the deadline:

Stefanie Arroyo

Feck the Patreon-archy!

Yesterday, a post by a Fakebook “friend” popped up, complaining about Patreon’s policies and customer support. 

Specifically, she was having issues with promoting the anti-racist pagan/chakral-aligned feminist/socialist witchcraft content on her Patreon page, and was looking for a similar platform to keep sell—ahem, soliciting recurring donations. 

Since I run my own continuity offer (albeit a science-based and distinctly non-magickal one), I suggested a couple of cost-effective alternatives that would solve her problem but would require doing things like building her own list and using email. 

Of course, because this was a real solution (and not a virtue-signaling “f*ck the Patreon-archy” comment), she left no less than 5 lengthy replies on all terrible, horrible, no good, and very bad issues building her own platform would create, including: 

– It wouldn’t replicate Patreon to an *exact* T. 
– It wouldn’t be a “true community network.”
– Email is “too limiting” of a medium for her content, and it would be wrong to assume that this would work for anyone else as well. 
– The barrier of entry is too high for people who don’t have a website, don’t want a website, “or don’t want to add another dimension” to their website. 

Not to mention that, as a former Internet marketer (of course), she knows very well what she’s doing and “has been in and out of this stuff a zillion times” and didn’t need someone like me to remind her.  

Okay, sure.

Then, no less than 10 minutes later, this incredible woman wrote up a 1,000+ word post about how, after much “active contemplation” into “power dynamics, boundaries, and containers in the digital space,” “advice-giving without invitation or solicitation” is a violation of her boundaries as it’s without “affirmative consent.”  

(She also went on about using “Ancestral and Indigenous knowledge of the astral” to govern how we engage on social media, lest we “bathe in unidentified streams with nagas that could give you spiritual sickness”… whatever that means.)

If she channeled all that (karmic, astral-aligned) energy towards her business instead of little ol’ me, I’m sure she would have solved her Patreon problem four times over. (Along with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the hierarchy problem in particle physics, and may well have cured several diseases.)

Alas, choosing to forgo the brass ring for the rusty nut is fairly common. 

One of my first consulting clients, after spending over five hours together creating her entire content and social media strategy for the next 90 days, told me at the last minute that “she didn’t want to be chained to her computer writing all day”—even though we were working on promoting her newest book that she spent the last 10 years writing.

And, years later, this still happens: after creating entirely new consulting structure/YouTube channel/email marketing strategy/course offerings, clients have doubled back right before launching because it was “too big,” “too much work,” or “too different” from what they were used to. 

Even after lots of time (not to mention monie) spent with me to help them do exactly that. 

You can load the tape in. You can even put their finger on the button. But you can’t force someone to hit play.  

But, where I was frustrated and admittedly insecure about these kinds of results (or lack thereof), I’ve learned to now expect them—and from whom. I can almost smell it a mile away.

And, with that knowledge, use it to their (and, indirectly, my) best advantage when it comes to creating, marketing, and selling products and services the way that works best for them (and, by extension, me). 

I go over how to use this information especially with bucking, unruly freelancers and employees in my new series, The HR Czar—specifically in the (short, 10-minute) episode called “Putting your team’s P-ness away.” In it, I go over how this type’s flakiness, unwillingness to abide by schedules, and seemingly terminal allergy to deadlines can actually mean *more* monie (and time)—if you know how to leverage it.

To get access (no astral projection or nagas needed), go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Sticking out like a severed pinkie

A while ago at the doctor’s office, I read an article about a famous violin virtuoso who met the wrong end of the chef’s knife.

While cooking Christmas dinner, she got so caught up thinking about an upcoming performance that she ended up chopping her pinkie off. 

(A frequent problem for N’s—to get so ahead of themselves they forget what they’re doing—but I digress.)

While she felt a sharp pain, she didn’t realize what happened until she saw her own severed finger sticking out of the onions. 

And, since it was Christmas, it took several hours to find a surgeon not already drunk on eggnog to reattach it. 

If you know anything about violin, even so much as spraining a thumb could mean the end of your career. So losing a finger—even if only temporarily—is catastrophic at the world-class level.

Thing is, with an exhausting schedule of over a hundred performances a year on stages and TV worldwide (among other things, she was a regular on Johnny Carson), she was already considering leaving the concert circuit completely well before the accident. But where she previously been contemplating becoming a mystery writer and even (gasp) attending law school, her gruesome injury brought her down so low that she even tried to commit suicide. 

(Luckily, the gun didn’t fire.)

She eventually overcame her pinkielessness—it was successfully reattached and, while healing, she “refingered” her repertoire to play with three fingers instead of four. (Which is the equivalent to relearning how to play tennis while holding the racket with your teeth.)

And, since then, she’s slowed her breakneck speed and moved to more location-permanent roles, such as music director and concert master for an orchestra, and artist-in-residence at a university. 

As she put it, “If you almost chop off your own finger, you start thinking about what you’re doing with your life.”

Now, not everyone’s come-to-Jesus moment is as dramatic as severing a finger. 

But, regardless, the song remains the same: doing the “wrong” thing too much, too fast, too everything, can lead to disaster, even accidentally—like being so anxious about something you slice through a digit instead of an onion. 

Or, in my case: 

Nonstop 16-hour days balancing a high-velocity legal job by day and law school at night (and sometimes going back to work after that), resulting in a disastrous flame-out—with psoriasis, depression, chronic back pain, insomnia, and an extra 50-lb. to boot.

Woo-woo bullshite artists call this a “lack of alignment.” 

Slightly smarter people call it being outside “your zone of genius.” 

Either way you swing, both mean understanding your personality’s strengths—and limits. 

Had I known this years ago, I could have saved myself from a lot of health problems—never mind a new wardrobe after “outgrowing” my old one. And, if I’d known this while first building my business, I wouldn’t have lost sales (and momentum) doing things the wrong way. 

Granted, I didn’t lose a finger and, chances are, neither did you. But, before it gets to that, I recorded a series of videos on how to master your personality type’s strengths and weaknesses in business—whether you’re building a team, working alone, or even working for someone else. 

This series (about 6 videos, all under 15 minutes) will be available later this week in my private membership site called Biz Typology. 

Some of the secrets you’ll learn are: 

– how an obedient assistant can actually hurt your business
– why “act first, think later” can cost you more sales than overthinking
– the exact type of VA who can solve your problems RIGHT NOW
–  how to get your employees (or even yourself) to put their P-ness away without harassing them 
– and more. 

To learn more, all limbs intact, go here: