Stefanie Arroyo

Consultant — Biz Typologist

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The fundamentals of troll-ology

When not being called a white supremacist, over the last week or so I’ve seen more than a few people on Twitter call personality typing “the thinking man’s astrology.” 

Which may make for a funny, retweetable tweet—but can’t be farther from the truth. 

First off: personality typing is based on psychology—you know, a real -ology. Your personality type isn’t based on chance or the planetary alignment at the time you were born. 

And, as such, they’re malleable: 

Many of my clients have typed, in one way or another, differently at different periods of their life. (Even Law School Stefania typed as an ENTP–likely because my feelings were beaten out of me by the Socratic method.)

You might not be able to change your moon sign or 12th house of the rising sun, but your personality can evolve over time.

And, whether you get along with someone or want to send them to the most desolate moon in the solar system by Express Mail isn’t determined by ideal planetary placements—it comes from actually knowing how that person operates, and responding and accepting them accordingly. 

Or, you know, the psychology of relationships.

And not just romantic ones either: the same goes for platonic relationships, such as hiring (and sometimes firing) of team members, VAs, coaches, JV partners and also getting hired yourself.

So, while it’s easy to reduce personality typing to “just another BS-ology”—even without the Tibetan meditation bells and crystal ball whistles—it’s not that secksy. 

What it is though, is effective. 

(So much so, people like to use the other secksy terms like “mind hacking” or “mental manipulation” to describe it—even if that’s not necessarily the case either.)

And one of the most effective means to utilize it? 

Is in all manners of sales and marketing—especially copywriting. 

Which is why I am (finally) holding a live training on how to use Biz Typology (what I’ve called my plant-variety of personality typing) on copywriting—whether you ’re a freelancing writer-for-hire or just want to improve your own skills for profit. 

In this two-hour live session, we will go over how to effectively “type”  your audience (no birth charts needed) and, using this information, how to write copy that will grab them by the eyeballs all the way down to the “Buy” button. 

Now, here’s the “but”: This training will be recorded and sold later on as its own info product. Which is why there is no sales page and I’m offering it at a heavily discounted rate—a full $100 off of what will be its regular price.

After the training is over, the price will bump up a 100 clams and you’ll have zero chance of having your questions answered in the live Q&A  following the training. 

To get your $100 discount and access to the live Q&A, go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

The N Game

While packing for the first leg of 3380229404 flights over next few days, I remembered one of the in-flight movies I watched the last time I was trapped on a plane: Interstellar, the Christopher Nolan film from a few years ago. 

One of the things I’d gotten from the movie (besides a headache contemplating space theory) was a definitive example of how N’s operate—and by “N” I mean iNtuitive types. (Don’t let the weird spelling fool you–Introverts don’t like to share anything, let alone share their abbreviations.)

In the movie, Joe Cooper, played by Matthew McConaughey, is one “alright alright alright” away from calling it quits on his dusty, famine-stricken farm. But then, one mysterious occurrence after another results in an obsession with cracking a code—a code that ultimately led exploring worm holes in outer space. 

Joe is a textbook N: once a crazy idea (or several) take hold, they will chase after it across cornfields, into space, and even into the back of a bookcase that somehow ejects him into the future. (If you haven’t seen the movie, well… now you know what happens. #spoiler). 

My INTJ also suffers from this N-Game syndrome, and describes it like this: it’s like finding a loose thread on your shirt, then tugging on it endlessly (and often mercilessly) until you reach its end… even if it means maybe unraveling the whole thing.

So what does that mean? 

For N’s, the future is not just now—it’s catnip. It’s endless in its possibilities (both good and bad, mind you) and, as such, they become so preoccupied with it, they almost miss the present. 

And knowing this can be TREMENDOUSLY useful—especially if you’re selling to them. 

Why? Because most entrepreneurs are, by default, looking for the next thing. Their cornfields. Their wormholes. Their loose thread. If they’re not already hooked, they’re actively looking for bait. 

So, if you’re a copywriter or write your own copy that targets N’s, I can show you how to put out the most delectable-looking baited hook for them. 

In my upcoming Biz Typology Copywriting Training, I will show you not only how a N’s mind works, but also how to pique their curiosity so much they’ll want to chase after you (and your products and your mission) through space. They will want to pull at the loose thread. They’ll keep wanting to go farther, and longer, with you—all the way to the bottom of that sales page.

But, to get this, you need to sign up first. The training will be happening live on October 5th, at 3pm EST—if you can’t make it, you’ll have full access to both the video and audio replay *and* a transcript.

Now, this training will be recorded LIVE, so there isn’t a sales page for it yet. Later, when it’s bundled as its own info-product, there will be—and another $100 tacked onto the price. Until then, it’s sales page-less and available at a heavily discounted rate of $196—but only until the day of the training. After that, it’ll go back to the vault and reemerge anew (and more expensive.)

To join the training and get your $100 discount, go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Success secrets of an I-hole

A little over a year a go—when my current business was only but a nubbin of an idea—I was struggling. 

Mainly, I was struggling with getting my opt-in (the free video training you received in your hot little hands sometime ago) together. Along with my landing page, my email autoresponder, and all the other bells and whistles it seemed, at the time, to be the most daunting series of neverending tasks in the universe.

If I’m being conservative, it took me literally months to get my list-building (and, frankly, my whole life) together.

I planned it. 
I scheduled the time. 
I did everything I was “supposed” to…except, you know, actually doing it. 

And, that nubbin of an idea of a business (that started with that little 5-minute training) would have never gotten off the ground at all, had it not been for my INTJ. 

He got tired of hearing me talk about it—and seeing none of the results. 

Turns out, he (and later, a whole slew of people) were waiting for something like Biz Typology to come out and, after asking me about it for the 4839383939th time, he decided to take things into his own hands. 

One day, he gruffly sat me down and, without a word, handed me a piece of paper and walked away.

It was a schedule. 

He already had seen me in action (read: in complete chaos) and had studied my ENFP-harebrainedness long enough to know how my mind works. 

And so, he created a schedule that worked for my personality—which is the complete opposite of his—and my personality alone.

The result? 

What was taking me months, took me days (two days, to be exact). 

And, just like that, I launched my training, which launched my business, which launched… well, everything. 

Well, there was more to it than that but, mainly, I didn’t work any harder, or any longer hours. In fact, I worked less. And, it was actually fun. 

And, it’s still fun—a year later, Biz Typology, my membership site about how to leverage your personality type to get more (and better) customers, clients, and sales, is doing swimmingly. 

I still work way less hours than I did before, and I don’t struggle with getting clients like I used to in previous feast-or-famine days of freelancing. 

One of the ways I stopped struggling was getting that opt-in together—and using daily(ish) email as I learned from Ben Settle. 

Who, in only a few short hours, will be doing a surprise bonus training, just for Biz Typology subscribers. 

(Just one of the many perks of joining Biz Typology.)

Thing is, this training will be LIVE—and only available live. There will NOT be a replay. 

And, this training is available only if you’re in the Biz Typology Facebook group, which accessible only to (you guessed it) Biz Typology subscribers. 

The training—on how to get clients sans struggle , even if you’re a procrastinator—will be happening TODAY around 10am PST, or whenever he’s done with his 10-mile morning walk.

(I don’t have an exact time—he literally just texted me about this, so it’s a surprise even to me.)

To access this bonus live-only, no-replay training, go here (in enough time to join and access the Facebook group):

Stefanie Arroyo

The Talib Kweli Troll Translator

In my last email, I talked about the white supremacist Twitter club that rapper Talib Kweli so graciously inducted me into yesterday. 

As one would expect from vitriol-fueled, button-mashing Twitter personalities, the fun has only escalated: 

He’s gone from calling me a white supremacist to attack-tweeting me over and over (and over and over) again about me and my acts of “supremacy”— including screenshots of my email yesterday, my photos (which shows just how much of a “Nazi lady” I am—his words), and even my Facebook posts. 

(It would not surprise me if he tweets my home address soon—concerted SJW harassment does follow a formula, after all.) 

This of course reinvigorated and reenergized his angry band of white fans’  taste for my brown blood. Which led to one of my greatest creations:

The #TrollTranslator. 

As I mentioned yesterday, understanding personality typing has not only helped me close more sales, get better clients and customers, and overall get along with others better (Talib & Friends notwithstanding)—it also has given me the “cheat codes” to human nature.

Much like how studying martial arts can help you move more fluidly and know all your soft spots… and how to hit them in others.

Kind of like the Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.

(And, if *this* email gets to Talib too: not that I’m saying hurting people is okay. That is, unless they’re trolls.)

The #TrollTranslator works like this: 

When someone sends me some acidic craziness, I would capture that person’s insanity (by retweet or screen cap)… and translate it in my own tweet. 

For instance: 

When someone would come at me with something infantile (and in usually in caps) like, “You said you were in the White Supremacy Club yourself, RACIST!” (real quote)

My #TrollTranslator would quote it and translate it into what they were really saying, which is: “I don’t know how to read.” 

Or, when a wild virtue-signaler would appear and say, “Hi, Latino here. Never got nothing but respect from Talib. BECAUSE I’M NOT RACIST” (also real quote)

My #TrollTranslator would then interpret their words and reveal their meaning: “I want a cookie, Talib. Can you please give me a cookie?” 

And so on. 

This was effective for two reasons: 

1- Trolls, by way of their personality type (and the narcissism created by social media, but that’s another email) need attention. It is their oxygen. So, while the Troll Translator acknowledged their stupidity, it directly responding to them.

With the Troll Translator, I was suffocating them. 

2 – Trolls, also by way of their personality type, are deeply emotional. They not only CARE!!!11 about their cause, they care even more about what others think of them while doing it. So, mocking them would not only weaken their pitchfork-hold—but also reveal their vulnerability to others. 

The Troll Translator reduces their self-righteous online crusade… into a piñata. 

In effect, the Troll Translator is both rope-a-dope *and* a one-two punch, all at once. 

And it was great.

Now, as I said before, these powers can—and should—be primarily used to good.  Because what made the Troll Translator so effective (and so hilarious) can be used to make better connections…and better income.

Which is why I will be holding my long-awaited training on how to use personality typing in copywriting. 

In this two-hour training, I will show you how to “type” the personalities of your potential customer and leads, and how to use this knowledge to create copy that makes them not only *want* to click to buy but excited use the product or service you’re selling. 

This will be a live event that will be recorded to sell as own info product later on, so there’s no sales page. Which is I will be offering this training at a seriously discounted rate (nearly 50% off)—but only if you sign up before the 9/28 live session. 

After that, it’s going to be packaged up nicely with a bow (and a sales page), and nearly twice as much. 

And, as an extra bonus, the live session will include a Q&A session so you can ask any burning, itching questions you might have about Biz Typology in copywriting that have come up during the course of the training.

(An additional bonus-in-a-bonus: this Q&A will be available as part of the recording for later buyers of the product, but only early-bird attendants will be able to actually ask questions.) 

To secure your spot (and discount) to attend the Biz Typology copywriting training and the accompanying Q&A (no Troll Translator necessary), go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Why I’m a Charter Member of the Ben Settle White Supremacy Twitter Club

Over the past 24 hours, I’ve been called a racist, a white supremacist, an MLM scam artist, a Nazi, a spammer, all-around terrible person, a scumbag, a 9/11 apologist, a “garbage human,” and several other colorful things… hundreds of times. 

(And that’s not Latina-drama numbers, that’s what Twitter analytics has told me—and that’s not counting subtweeted screenshots and deleted tweets.) 

And, in the midst of this shytflinging in my Twitter mentions, I was able to get 3 new Biz Typology members, 2 new consulting clients—and increase my list by 10%.

How did I do this, you ask? 

Well, here’s what happened:

Talib Kweli, a rapper who was popular about 20 years ago, got offended when I noted by tweet that, in my disastrous foray in the NYC dating scene, most of my bad OkCupid dates were 1- fans of his and 2- white. 

Thing is: Talib doesn’t particularly like white people. 

In fact, he was openly complaining about white people when I mentioned this fact—which, it turns out, he didn’t like being reminded of. 

So, naturally, he called me a white supremacist and a racist—multiple times.

Then, like good little trolls, his (primarily male, primarily white) fanbase took upon themselves to “investigate,” where it was “discovered” (in plain sight) that I, and a few other people who were roped into this racist rodeo, have online businesses. 

According to them, I am: 

– A part of an MLM scheme

– Specifically, a *Nazi* MLM scheme

– Even more specifically: a Nazi MLM scheme that pays by clicks. 

Not leads, or even customers or buyers—just literal clicks. 

(Their evidence for this? A Facebook ads webinar that describes an ad being “10 cents per click.”)

According to their “findings,” Ben Settle is my upline—the Grand Dragon of the whole click-collecting scam—and, as a group, we were purposefully kicking the POC beehive while cackling and rubbing our claws like Smaug and gobbling up these shiny click-coins.

And, with their troll-like, bulbous eyes glittering over their new-found treasure, they went to town—tweeting and subtweeting me left and right about my slimy, scummy MLM business, my terrible taste and broken moral compass, being a “garbage human,” and being a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, white racist.

Because, according to them, I’m also laughably, horribly white.

(Which, if you didn’t know by now, I’m not.) 

But, of course, as a good little MLMer, I learned from my wizard upline Ben Settle’s teachings. Specifically: 

If you’re going to be painted a villain, you might as well play the part well. 

Now, much to Talib’s chagrin, I didn’t burn a cross on Ben’s yard. But, if I am going to be “trolling for clicks,” I made sure that they had the right URL. 

And, I made a point to “type” my Talib-trolls—and not engage with them the way they were hoping I would (mud-slinging and shyt-flinging), but instead to openly mock them. 

(Which, as you can imagine, was very easy to do, considering how little they knew about marketing, business, or even what real racism looks like—which is an awful lot like a group of angry white men attacking a brown woman online.) 

But, most importantly: 

By knowing their types (and thus their Twitter-genda) I knew when to engage and throw a little meat in (and how)… and when to let them starve.

Granted, there are some who are much better at this than I am—any conservative commentator worth their salt has already honed the villainous skill of using their troll-piranhas for good and profit—but, understanding typology made that much easier to take their vitriol and alchemize it into those magical click-coins in the form of new subscribers, paying members, and high-ticket clients.

To learn how to use the energy of others (whether it be problematic clients, wishy-washy leads, or your own angry Twitter villagers with pitchforks) to fuel and fund your business, go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Why I got accused of being a white supremacist

Recently, a new consulting client figured out he was an ENFP like I am, and joked about how he could use my personal anecdotes as a cheat sheet for both his business and personal life. 

I share these stories—from dating, running a business, and other shenanigans—pretty frequently in my emails. For one, because it’s entertaining (at least to me) and also because most people learn best by example. 

(Which is why I use one of the most popular shows in cable TV history to explain personality typing and what different types “look” like— a sort of “Typology-in Action.”)

Recently this sort of blew up in my face (and my Twitter mentions) when I was accidentally roped into an ongoing Twitter feud by sharing some embarrassing dating stories on social media. 

Turns out, rappers of yore don’t like being associated with bad dates with millennial men and so I was called, among a few things, a white supremacist—making me what I would assume to be one of the few LatiNazis out there.

But, racial contradictions aside: 

There are particular personality types who almost *only* can understand the world and the information given to them by example. 

I talk about this in a recent episode in Biz Typology (specifically the episode called “S-ual Harassment”)  where I shared how, while working in one of the biggest plaintiff’s litigation firms in New York, using examples and analogies helped me communicate clients who were more often than not extremely frustrated with their case, the legal system—and, by extension, me.

By knowing this quirky tool (and understanding why I had to use it), I was able to calm down understandably stressed, hurt, and tired clients into doing what it is that I needed them to do—not only so they wouldn’t yell at me, but so I could better prosecute their case. 

(Of course, I only realized after the fact that using an example to teach the power of example made this the most meta Biz Typology episode so far.)

While this was helpful in getting my personal injury clients to cooperate so I can better prosecute their case (and sometimes to stop yelling at me) this is especially useful when used in business and marketing—from talking stressed and frustrated clients off the ledge in order to listen to your advice (if you’re a consultant or a freelancer), to turning a frustrated burnt-out lead into a ready, willing and even excited client. 

(And, yes—this is also helpful when dealing with social media trolls. By using examples, you can poke holes in their arguments with swift derision.) 

To learn more by example (sans hate-mongering tweets), go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Why Manuel fell asleep during my continuity training

Reader and Biz Typology subscriber Manuel A. writes: 

Thanks for the Continuity Bonus Training.

I watched the entire video, subliminally.

I dozed a few times but was only halfway conked, and remember hearing your voice as I dreamt (I was being lectured for part of the dream, and there were huge spiders in outside bushes for some reason).

When I raised from my stupor, you were still yapping, I had clarity though, kind of an ahh-ha thing.

I know what I want to do, more based on who I am now. ISTJ-A.

I like a format crossover of what you and elBenbo are doing. 

A product based on “integrity.”

The continuity bonus training will cease being a “bonus” for Biz Typology subscribers in the next 6 hours. After that, it will be taken down and repackaged as an info product somewhere in the $300 range. 

So, if you join Biz Typology now (and watch the two-hour training), that leaves you four hours to immediately implement your new continuity offer. 

But, to get your head’s start (and save yourself about $287 in the process), you have to sign up (and watch the training) before the deadline. 

To access (and implement) immediately, go here:

Stefanie Arroyo

Which is better: a newsletter or a membership site?

At lunch this week, I opened my INTJ’s fortune cookie (he’s one of those weirdos who actually eats the cookie and yet don’t read the fortune) which said:

“You will have a big change coming to you.” 

I laughed as he grimaced uncomfortably and munched the rest of the (tasteless, gross) cookie in grumbly silence. 

Thing is, he hates change. 

In fact, he loathes it. 


Because it requires too much thinking on his already-taxed brain that is constantly and ceaselessly coming up with every possibility and outcome to the surroundings and circumstances he’s in. 

He simply cannot budget one more synapse or neurotransmitter to process yet another thing to consider—or, worse, a change in plans.

Which is funny to think about (ha), considering I *love* change. 

Where he grumbles and gets (even more) crotchety, I get excited. And where his brain signals a 501 error code, my flux capacitor gets turned on.

Which is funny considering that we have eerily similar business models—a monthly continuity offer (him a monthly newsletter and me a monthly video series) that is simple to implement as a one-man (or -woman) band and easy to scale, and both capitalizing on daily (or for me, daily-ish) email. 

But, while they’re similar enough in execution (we’re both done with our workday in time for lunch), it differs enough in conception to match our vastly different personality types. 

For him, he has something regular, steady, and consistent that he can count on and set his internal clock by. 
For me, I have an endless playground to express myself however I want and free rein to go nuts however I please.

Alas, our continuity offers may be the same, but they differ in the important parts—they work *with* our personality type. 


Which is exactly why I carefully (and sometimes loudly and vociferously) advise certain clients of mine to *not* do what I do and to instead do what my INTJ does. 

Or, to please-for-the-love-of-God not start a print newsletter and do something else that’s more in line with what they should do. 

By knowing your the ins (and more importantly, the outs) of your personality type, you have the keys to the kingdom of knowing what actually works… and what woefully does not. 

I can tell you right now that, if I did my own print newsletter, I would have folded up shop about a month in. 

And, if those with the same or similar personality types like my INTJ, they would tear their own eyes out at the thought of making seasons upon seasons of videos. 

And not knowing that can make all the difference between a change you love and a change you hate. 

I talk about this in my continuity bonus, a two-hour training pulling back the curtain on exactly how I created my membership site, Biz Typology—from offer creation, content delivery, through to the tech I use to manage the mothership—and how to create the offer that aligns with your own personality type, even if it differs from mine (and, yes, my INTJ’s).

But, this “bonus” won’t be a bonus forever—in a little over 12 hour’s time, the bonus will be vanishing into the ether, to reappear again as its own info product (priced somewhere around $297). 

So, you have about a half-day to not only access it, but to also consume it. 

(Feet, meet fire.) 

That is, if you want to save yourself about $300 that could easily go into creating and scaling your new continuity offer for at least a couple of months. 

(I cover my monthly expenses as well in the training. Details inside.) 

For more, no fortune cookie needed, go here before the 11:59pm EST deadline tonight:

Stefanie Arroyo

Witch, please.

A couple of days ago, a post floated up to the top of the neverending shyt-fountain that is my Facebook feed.

It was by yet another arse-tral projecting witchpreneur, complaining about how a medium ripped her off of a sizable chunk of change by not delivering on inner child readings she paid for. 

(My imagination ain’t nearly this good.) 

Along with her diatribe about being shafted by a shapeshifter, she posted roughly 282728292 screenshots of what went down.

Apparently, the spiritual death coach had tried repeatedly to back out of her healing services, citing a slew of reasons:

-She wasn’t coachable.
-Her energy was too blocked
-And (my personal favorite) her inner little girl was stubborn and had retreated too far for her to access her.

Amidst of all this, there was the usual coaching kerfuffle:  threatening to file PayPal claims, air grievances online, etc. etc.

But, a new one emerged from the spiritual ether regions: 

The threat to reverse or even “reactivate” “negative energetic cords.”

Basically, the mediumpreneur said she’d slash the energy tires of her witchmobile (“witch” is why they should stick to brooms) if she opened a claim against her on PayPal.

It was downright supernatural to behold. 

And, a reminder of why I got out of the life coaching spiritpreneur realm to begin with.

Not only because of a lack of alignment—but because  “reactivating negative energetic cords” don’t pay the bills. Nor do those cord-reactivators make for good clients to help create actual, viable businesses with actual, steady income (instead of just diddling their chakras online).

Which is (one of many reasons) why I created a two-hour training on how to create a continuity offer that can withstand hexes and curses—and is even inner-childproof. 

In this training, I go over exactly how I created my membership site Biz Typology, from soup to nuts—from offer creation, content delivery, all the way through the tech backend that meets with my P-brained, scattered ways. 

(No witchcraft, mediums, or knowing the astral forecast required—in fact, it works even better during Mercury in retrograde.) 

This training is available for free to Biz Typology subscribers—but like the waning moon, it will come to an end. After Sunday eve, the training will scuttle back into the vault, to re-emerge in its new, higher-prices form (of about $297 or so).

To get access to the training—plus the 20+ videos on how to use the almost medium-like powers of personality typing to read the minds of your clients, customers, employees, and even loved ones—go forth ye here before the deadline:

Stefanie Arroyo

The George Constanza School of Mind-Control

Last night, I watched the “Pez Dispenser” episode of Seinfeld. It was a great episode, but not for the obvious candy references.

In it, George was worried that his uppity girlfriend was about to break up with him. 

The end was inevitable. And he was pissed.

(After all, she demoted him from a dinner date to, “let’s get lunch.”)

It wasn’t so much that he’d miss her as much as he wanted to save face. (As he put it, he wanted, just for once in his life, to have the upper hand. She was dunking over his head so much, he had no hand to speak of.) 

So, Kramer gives him the idea to break up with her first. 

By preemptively breaking up with her,  he’d turn around his losing hand—by flipping the entire Monopoly board over. And it wasn’t like he had anything to lose anyway.

And, as reverse-psychology would have it, it worked. Or, as he said: not only did he have the upper hand for once, he had so much hand “it was coming out of his gloves.”

After threatening to break up, she was willing to do everything and anything to make him stay. 

(Of course, they broke up anyway, but that’s Constanza for you.) 

Anyway, here’s the point:

By understanding people’s hot buttons, you can basically make them do whatever you want. 

Whether it’s objections on a sales call or your own frigid relationship you want to defrost, you can turn it around—but, only if you know what they’re thinking (or feeling) first. 

Even if you have a crap set of properties and keep rolling bad dice, you can flip the Monopoly board to your own advantage.

Which, is one of the things I talk about in the latest season of The HR Czar—specifically in a short, 10-minute episode called “HR F-Ups,” where I talk about how I flipped the Monopoly board on a rather problematic Constanza-like colleague and got her to do whatever I wanted (for good, of course). 

With just one little change (so not even a full flip of the game board), I was able to coax someone who lived to make staff members’ lives hell into becoming my champion in the workplace. 

(This is especially helpful when dealing with reckless trolls online, unruly clients, or even if you sensing some pushback—or freeze-out—in your personal relationships.) 

This episode—and about 20 others—is immediately available to watch (and implement) in my membership site, Biz Typology. 

And—in flipping my own personal pool table—at the end of this weekend, I will be *removing* one of my highest value bonuses that’s currently available free to Biz Typology subscribers: a two-hour training on how to create your own continuity product (whether it be your own newsletter, membership site, or other kinds of recurring offers) using your own unique personality type. 

In this training, I pull the curtain completely back in how I created my membership site—from creation to execution, soup to nuts, including the backend tech parts—that worked for my specific personality type, and how to do the same for yours. 

(And, no, I’m not talking about a cut-and-paste swipe of my own business like some folks do—I mean how to create an offer that works for you, your way.)

But, this training will be disappearing from the membership site after this Sunday. 

Which means, not only do you have to join by Sunday, but you have to have consumed it by then, too. 

Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until it’s available as its own info product—for about $297 or so. 

(Talk about flipping shizz over.) 

To get immediate access to the HR Czar—and to the two-hour continuity training for free—go here before deadline Sunday:

Stefanie Arroyo

Stefanie Arroyo

Nulla sodales est sit amet dignissim feugiat. Donec diam ligula, volutpat eget vestibulum vel, condimentum consectetur mi. Phasellus ornare ullamcorper augue, et tristique elit iaculis non. Maecenas sed enim neque. Nulla sodales est sit amet dignissim feugiat. Donec diam ligula.

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